Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

WOD: 5 intervals – 3 minutes each: Perform 1 round of the below, rest the remainder of the interval10 Alternating Jumping Lunges Per Side10 Dumbbell Jump Squats 8 minute AMRAP:4 Burpee Pull-ups8 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 Post results/thoughts to comments Awesome job today guys. Although the rest on the intervals might have been a little extended I think many of you’ll find your legs a little sore…I know they were on fire for many of you during the intervals. Straight from burning legs, to burning lungs you guys all hit it hard on the AMRAP. Hope we see a bunch of you tomorrow for a tough workout. Cheers. – Jade

From the Members

This is an e-mail I received last week from one of our members Ken Peterson. Ken has done a great job of eating well, and trains hard, always willing to push himself. Great for you Ken. Keep it up. Jade,I wanted to tell you that I went to my Endocrinologist (Diabetes doctor) on Tuesday and he stated that I am by far his best patient and he can’t believe how tight my control is. Control is measured by a test called a glucose Hemoglobin A1C test, which essentially provides an average blood glucose level for the past three months. Historically, I’ve been at or around 7.0, which is good for a diabetic. Since I’ve been doing CrossFit and eating like a caveman, my A1C fell to 6.2, which is awesome for a Type 1 Diabetic. A healthy person without diabetes averages around 5.0…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, May 2nd, 2011

WOD: Paleo Challenge Bench MarksThruster: 1 Rep Max Pull-ups: Max Reps AQAP:10 Power Snatch 95/6520 Ball Slams 40/3030 Push-ups40 Air Squats50 Double-under40 Air Squats30 Push-ups20 Ball Slams 40/3010 Power Snatch 95/65 Post results/thoughts to comments It was awesome to see so many of you today. Hope you all had a great weekend. Good to see a solid crew signing up for the Paleo Challenge. Not as many as last time, but glad none the less to see a bunch of you doing it. You guys all did awesome on the benchmark pieces, and those of you who did the last Paleo Challenge saw some continued increases in their pull-ups over last time. Eat clean, train hard, and feel amazing. See you all tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, April 30th, 2011

WOD: 4 rounds AQAP:25 Deadlifts 225/15550 Lateral Barbell Jumps100m Kettlebell Farmer’s Walk 70/53 Post results/thoughts to comments Great job today everybody. We had a big class at 8:00 AM and everyone rocked out. Mixed it up today with a few new movements, hope you guys liked them. Get out and enjoy that sunshine this weekend. Cheers. We brought the entire workout to the parking lot Busting through the bar hops Chris off on a farmer’s walk with the 70’s Working through the farmer’s walks – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, April 29th, 2011

WOD: Alternating Barbell Lunges: 8-8-8-8- (per side) 3 rounds AQAP:60 Double-unders30 Pull-ups15 Power Cleans 135/95 Post results/thoughts to comments While the gym was a bit slow today a bunch of you stepped up, gritted through it, and did double-unders in the workout. You guys all did awesome on the lunges as well, don’t curse me too much tomorrow morning when you wake up. Hope we see a bunch of you tomorrow morning, if we don’t, enjoy the beautiful week. A quick heads up. Champlain Valley CrossFit will be opening its doors on Sundays starting this weekend. We will be open from 11 AM – 1 PM. There will be no scheduled classes. This will be an open gym. Come in, work on something you are weak at, make up a WOD you missed, etc. With that in mind we will be open until 1…