Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, March 10th, 2011

WOD: Push Press: 5-5-5-5-5 “Mt. Zion Church”- 2 rounds AQAP:500m Row250 Double-unders Post results/thoughts to comments Wow, not sure if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow after all of those double-unders, my calfs are toast. Great work on the Push Press guys, we saw some big numbers. Big props to Del for breaking the 300lb barrier, with a 305lb Push Press. For those who came in the evening we changed the workout slightly which I think was awesome. Instead of just being single-unders (if you couldn’t do double-unders), we changed the 250 single-unders to 5 sets of 40 single-unders and 10 tuck jumps. Definitely helped keep the heart rate up like the double-unders. Great work today guys. See you tomorrow. Cheers. Kristi and Betsy ripping through some jump rope Kathy continuing to get stronger, putting up more weight on the push press Del and…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

WOD: Squat Clean: 5-5-3-3-1-1 “Dranesville”-3 rounds AQAP:20 KB Swings 70/5320 Box Jumps 24/1820 Toes-to-bar Post results/thoughts to comments Great workout today everybody. I think everybody who was in yesterday is certainly feeling “Hawks.” Great work on the squat cleans, we saw a ton of PR’s and some pretty big weights being pushed around for each person respectively. I got CrossFit HQ to make a post about our workout yesterday. Check it out. Cheers. Sefton stepping it up with a bigger kettlebell then he’s been using previously Ryan and Phil rocking out some Toes-to-bar Ken in the bottom of a heavy squat clean – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

WOD: “Hawks” – AQAP1000m Row50 Deadlifts 225/15550 Thrusters 95/6550 Box Jumps 30/2450 Burpees50/side OH Plate Walking Lunges 45/25100 Double-unders Post results/thoughts to comments Just wanted to thank all of you that came in today and poured it out for Ryan. I can tell you that he would have been right there along with you and wherever he is, he was pumped to see you guys throw-down today. See you tomorrow everybody. Cheers. Phillip working some lunges A little bit of everything Kim, Sam and Kristi on some OH lunges Getting some of the deadlifts done Bruce pushing it to the limit The 5:45 PM crew after a good hard sweat – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday March 7th, 2011

Again sorry we had to close down everybody but the snow has taken a toll on the roads. Going to head over to gym shortly to see if I can even get in. Wanted to thank all of you who are such an awesome part of our community. We’ve seen some amazing transformations, some quite life changing. I’m going to start posting stuff like this more often, so if you’ve got any words for us, let us know. Thanks. From the MembersI had an hour for lunch today, and decided I’d shop around a little. And…today I purchased the smallest pair of jeans I’ve owned since HIGH SCHOOL! I almost flipping cried, Jade! I can’t thank you or Betsy enough (or Dani, or Scott, or Erik, or Bryant, etc). I feel like there’s so much more I can do now. I want to…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, March 5th, 2011

WOD: “Skirmish at Black Water Creek”5 rounds max reps: 1 minute each station – 1 minute rest after 5 stationsWalls Balls 20/14BurpeesKB Swings 53/35Box Jumps 24/18OH Alternating Lunges 25/15 Post results/thoughts to comments. Great work today everybody. You all did an awesome job as usual. Way to push through a super tough workout. I hope we see as many of you as possible on Monday for an awesome workout dedicated to Ryan Hawks. Enjoy the snow that’s coming tomorrow. Cheers. Overhead Lunges Getting those med balls up – Jade