Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, November 15th, 2010

WOD: – Squat Snatch: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 – 21-15-9 AQAP:KB Snatch Left Arm 53/35KB Snatch Right Arm 53/35Ring Push-up Post results/thoughts to comments Many of you continued where you left off on Friday, getting better at those olympics lifts. PR’s again all over the place, awesome work guys. It was great to see some improvements on the kettlebell snatch over last week. Solid work all around guys. A new On-ramp crew started tonight, 7 people in fact…we just had 8 people finish last week so you should see some new faces in the daily classes, say hi. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers. Big ole noon class…13 people strong Phillip landing that deep squat snatch Kettlebells up On-ramp crew working through their WOD – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, November 13th, 2010

WOD: “Roy” – 5 rounds AQAP15 Deadlifts 225/15520 Box Jumps 24/1825 Pull-ups Post results/thoughts to comments Awesome job today guys, we had a few of our On-rampers stop in for their first class outside of the On-ramp and got a taste of a workout that was a little longer, heavier, and harder. Dani killed the workout, and unfortunately her hands to, doing almost the entire workout Rx’d, way to go Dani, but heal those hands quick. See you guys Monday. Cheers. All ladies at the 8 AM Dani with a big kip Ken and Del almost done…getting worked on the box jumps – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, November 12th, 2010

WOD: – Split Jerk: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 – 8 Minute AMRAP:7 Ring Dips11 Box Jumps 36/30 Post results/thoughts to comments PR’s all over the place today on the split jerk work today guys, awesome job. 5, 10, 20, 30 pound PR’s, Ken, Trevor, Damon, Erin, Chris and others all got more weight up than ever before today. You guys have all trained very hard this week, if I don’t see you tomorrow get some well deserved rest and have a great weekend. Cheers. Walter getting some weight overhead Ring dips Damon getting up on the box – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, November 11th, 2010

WOD: – Tuck Jumps: 10-10-10 – L-Sit: Accumulate 3 minutes in this position – 3 rounds AQAP:15 Hang Power Cleans 135/9515 Burpees Post results/thoughts to comments Killer met-con today, or at least I thought so. You guys all killed it in the workout today and really pushed the workout to its fullest extent of being short and very high intensity, awesome job. It was great to see some of you getting stronger in the L-sit position, not to long ago it was just knees up, or barely holding the knees up, you’re all getting better, stronger, faster, more powerful. Chris and a couple others came in this afternoon to celebrate veterans day and do a couple of team WOD’s, we experimented with a couple new tools that you may see pop up in the near future. See you all tomorrow. Cheers. The early…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

WOD: – Vertical Leap: 5-5-5-5-5 – Jump Rope: 10 minutes – 5-4-3-2-1 AQAP:Chest-to-bar Pull-upsThrusters 135/95Kettlebell Snatch (reps per side) 70/53 Post results/thoughts to comments Despite some bruised up forearms you guys all did a great job today. The kettlebell snatch is a tricky movement, some of you have got it down pretty well, some of you need some more work, either way you guys all did a great job with the movement. In addition, great work moving up the weight on the thrusters, it was good to see some of you push past your comfort level and work with a heavier load than normal, and lastly great work to those of you who are starting to get double-unders. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers. Phil, Dani, and Colleen working their thrusters…Colleen really stepping up to the plate, heavier kettlebell yesterday, heavier thrusters today, she’s…