Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, September 27th, 2010

WOD: – Weighted Ring Push-up: 8-8-6-6-4 – 4 rounds AQAP:50 Double-unders50 Plate Overhead Walking Lunges 25/15 Accessory Work: 3 sets of deadhang pull-ups, max of 15 reps. If you can do more than 15 add weight accordingly Post results/thoughts to comments We had a great start to the week in the gym. Folks were here throughout the day, and despite a large part of our On-ramp group being in Italy we still had a great turnout. Colleen brought her co-worker Stephanie in who did a great job…hope to see you back Stephanie. As usual everyone pushed hard through the workouts, and Nadir came in today pumped and ready to go and started knocking out his first kipping pull-ups in the warm-up and linked together 10 plus double-unders multiple times. See everyone tomorrow. Cheers. Kristi Split Jerking 103lbs…first time doing a split Jerk Nadir…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, September 25th, 2010

WOD: – Front Squat: 5-5-5-5-5 – 4 rounds AQAP400m Run25 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 95/65 Post results/thoughts to comments I believe we had our busiest Saturday yet today. Again great to see some of the folks from the On-ramp group come in today. John did an awesome job pushing through his longest WOD yet. Everyone worked super hard and “fun” was had by all. Have a great weekend guys and enjoy the beautiful weather. Cheers. Rocking some sumo deadlift high-pulls Ken, Trevor, and John working their way through the WOD – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, September 24th, 2010

WOD: – Snatch Pull: 5-5-5 – Snatch Balance: 3-3-3 – AMRAP 8 Minutes11 Clapping Push-ups13 Kettlebell Swings 70/53 – 3 sets of either abmat sit-ups or toes-to-bar, up to 30 reps each set Post results/thoughts to comments It was great to see a few more people in here compared to our normal Friday. Elliot is back in town and came in, and Chris brought his co-worker Benji in. We had another person sign up today. For those that haven’t been making it in much there are many new faces. On that note, get in here guys and train. Continued with some Olympic work today, and we were getting some decent snatch balance numbers up into the mid 100’s. For those that attacked the 70lb kettlebell they got a feel for being dragged around by it. It was great to see some of the…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

WOD: – Banded Deadlift: 5×3, 50% of 1RM, Blue Band, 45 seconds rest between sets – Banded Box Squat: 5×3, 40% of 1RM, Green Band, 45 seconds rest between sets – “Annie” AQAP50-40-30-20-10Double-undersAbmat Sit-ups Post results/thoughts to comments We had a solid day of training today, and as promised everyone’s hands and back got a break from the pull-up bar. We hit another benchmark WOD today, and for those who could do double-unders the WOD was done as prescribed. Unfortunately in the morning we didn’t have the equipment to set up the bands, but by the afternoon we got people using the bands, and most were extremely enthusiastic about them…you’ll be seeing them relatively often. It was nice to see some of the On-Rampers come in during the evening classes as well. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers. The ladies in the morning doing…