Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, September 10th, 2010

Well it’s been an awesome week thus far with one more day of training left. We had a good crew in the gym throughout the day. Everyone in the gym worked well together and cycled through the WOD given the limited rowers that we had. Props to Megan who was in town from Connecticut with her husband Tyler, still working hard, just 7 weeks out from having a baby. If we don’t see you tomorrow have a great weekend everybody. Cheers. Donny and Nadir working their overhead squats up against the wall…keeping the chest up Working their way through the WOD, Megan putting some weight overhead – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, September 9th, 2010

While we had a slow morning we had a crew in during the evening. We mixed in a bodyweight met-con and worked on some Louie Simmons style dynamic strength work. As always everyone pushed hard, and Chris came in to try his hand at his first CrossFit session. People are making progress on the pull-ups, advancing to smaller bands and learning to kip. See you guys tomorrow. Cheers. Working through some bodyweight movements – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

What an awesome day. The On-Ramp started today which went great. We had 17 people show up for the On-Ramp and 10 at the 5:45 PM class. Everyone worked hard and pushed each other. We also had 4 new people sign up tonight, if you see someone you don’t know make sure you introduce yourself. Those who didn’t engage in the On-Ramp had some fun with heavy dumbbells in there WOD. Hope to see you all again tomorrow. Awesome work. Cheers. Ryan doing some suicide drills to warm-up The 5:45 PM On-Ramp crew just before the start of the WOD – Jade