Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, August 21, 2010

Open Gym allowed several folks to come in and work out. Great to see you early Liz, and awesome to have represetatives from Burlington Men’s and Women’s Rugby teams come in for a workout. The team did a partner wod involving running, the bear (barbell) complex, and keeping the bar in play (for to drop it would have meant burpee penalties!). NO ONE dropped the bar. Thereafter, Sam and I took a turn at Crazy Eights (8 rounds of 8 toes to bar, 8 wall balls, 8 HPC & Push Press). Thanks for staying a little later Sam, Chris and Curtis! – Betsy

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, August 20, 2010

Beautiful night for baseball, CrossFit baseball that is! Eleven people split into three teams took their runs around the diamond – racking up runs for each team member who not only tagged home, but did 15 burpees! That was after sit-ups at home plate, KB swings at 1st, lunges at 2nd, and OH squats at 3rd… yeah, not simply running the bases. Great work everyone and nice to meet Liz, Lisa and Travis for the first time!

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

A strong group at the park tonight! Thanks Julia for bringing another recruit, and welcome to Chris! We made use of PVC today. The group warmed up with running, and shoulder pass throughs. Followed by two continuous drills: PVC pipe jumps in line, and over-unders from all-4s stance (a picture is worth a thousand words here – nice height Krik!). The met-con was OH sqats and burpees making more use of the PVC. 3 minutes of work and 1 minute of rest for 5 rounds. Thanks everyone for coming out tonight! Stop by and see us at Town Park in Williston. Cheers Warm-up drills PVC Overhead Squats On a different note we are making progress, we had a great day of work today, hope you guys are all excited. – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Sunday, August 8th, 2010

Thanks everyone for coming to the park workout tonight. We managed to beat the rain…for the most part! Warm-up up was sprints across the soccer field. We did a partner met-con with burpees, box jumps (using what the park had to offer), leg climbs, and jump ropes…and a little more running. Nathan and Erich were back and teamed up as a formidable duo, and I was impressed with the synchronicity of Julia and Phillip/s leg climbs! Rick and Chris O has their transitions DOWN, and K’s-squared could apparently chat AND work hard. Alex and Chris’ team had a little upset, but Alex persevered and Chris left smiling. Hope to see you all back on Wednesday. Cheers. Partner burpees Making use of what the park has to offer…Alex with an L-sit – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, August 6th, 2010

Wow, just wanted to say everyone did an amazing job. The WOD today was certainly brutal, long, heavy, etc. I was really impressed, and really wanted to be out there with everyone. It was great to see a few new comers and again, they were eager to jump right in at the appropriate level. Another solid group of 12 or so two workouts in a row is great. Thanks for coming out everyone. Cheers. The daily weapon of choice Warming up The WOD starts Chris pushing the 50’s Pushing through Some deadlifts and push presses – CVCF