Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, June 18th, 2010

Wow, beautiful, hot, sunny day today. Had a great workout and a great crew at the park. Did a “Fight Gone Bad” style workout just with some different exercises. Super proud of everyone working hard out there. We are already starting to see some great changes in many of the people that have been coming out. Thanks so much for being a part of this. See you guys Sunday. Cheers. Box jumpa, kettlebell swings, and burpees. Rick getting airborne. Alex and Phillip banging out wall balls Almost there. Last movements, a couple of people already done, working hard. – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, June 11th, 2010

Despite the cloudy weather all day, some strong rays of sun came out in the evening which was great for us. We had 4 new folks show up today, but a smaller group with a bunch of people being out of town. A solid workout was had working on some power work with the medicine balls, and then a short high intensity met-con. All worked hard, and it was good to do something a little shorter after a couple met-cons that have been a little long in the past. Cheers. Louis, Jurgen and everyones friend Thrusters Owen, Ben, and Steve rockin’ Thrusters Hans and Rick doing Burpees Steve’s done, Ben and Owen closing it out with Burpees – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, June 4th, 2010

Good time today. Beautiful, warm weather, and the park was nice and quiet this evening, instead of being completely mobbed with people. Brought out a bunch of jump ropes for people to do some skill work. Continued mixing up the workouts, brought in bear crawls today, which I was surprised to see how difficult they ended up being with the combination of exercises we were doing. Had a solid group, some 10 people showed up. Getting a good consistent crew and then a few different people every time. Thanks to everyone who came out. Cheers. – CVCF