Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

Had a solid workout at the park today. Had a good group show up, and we mixed things up a bit. Did some work doing some seated box jumps, and then a short met-con with a similar scheme to “Kalsu.” Everyone worked hard and performed great. Weather looks like it will be good for Friday, we will be out at 5:30. Going to try and pick-up some jump ropes so we can work single and double-unders. Cheers. Mikey hitting the 24″ Box, and Phillip hitting a 30″ box. Ryan getting up on a 36″ box Hannah at landing, first time getting the 24″ box. The group post workout. – CVCF

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Solid eating again yesterday, so 3 solid days following my eating guidelines. My body is hurting again today, I feel tired and beat up. I’m often stubborn with my training, not following my own advice of rest when I’m hurt, but I’m going to have to throw in the towel for a little while. I’m going to stop training until June 7th, and see how I feel. I’m still going to get out on the mountain bike as my body always feel better after riding, both knees and back, but nothing CrossFit related. Hopefully the time off will help me get back to where I was. Going to focus on stretching and foam rolling a bunch over the next week or so. Looking forward to being out in the park tomorrow for a group workout. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Sore this morning. Back, chest, and shoulders are all feeling pretty worked. Knees are hurting as is my lower back. Going to take the day off from training. Got out to the park this evening for a group workout. Had a great turnout, 12 people came out. Worked some strength stuff via HSPU’s and then did a bodyweight AMRAP. Introduced people to deck squat burpees which are certainly and interesting move. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, worked hard, and I’m sure loved the cool 90 degree temperature. We will be back at Dorest Park again at 5:30 on Friday. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Feeling pretty solid this morning. It’s hot and I put my AC in last night, wow, slept like a rock, so nice. Took some Vitamin I and hit the back with tiger balm last night. Feeling better this morning for sure. Stuck to my eating plan yesterday as well as today. One thing I’m consuming that I forgot to mention is alcohol. Not much, going to keep it to a minimum, but I am going to be consuming it. Had a glass of red wine with dinner last night and tonight. Awesome dinner tonight, love salsa and guac. I put my roommate through a modified version of the Filthy 50 the other day, I decided to hit the same thing up today. Felt like I needed to hit a longer met-con as it had been a while, and with it being 90 degrees…