Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, May 24th, 2010

So not sure what I did, but I tweaked my back a little last night. It was pretty aggravated by the end of the day yesterday. Was feeling better this morning, not great, but I felt I could handle a WOD if I stuck to the right stuff. Aside from the back pain I felt good, good energy and such. My eating hasn’t been great the last couple of weeks. A lot of graduation parties, going out etc. I’m going to hit the eating hard for 30 days. No strict Paleo, but Paleo food will make up 90% of my calories. I’m going to do Paleo, plus dairy (really only cheddar cheese), ketchup, ranch (here and there, not used much), honey (again used little for select things, it’s local, organic stuff), and chocolate (90% cocoa, 3g sugars per serving with 22g of fat),…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

Feeling pretty good this morning, although my back is hurting a good bit. Knees do feel good though. Got out for a little mountain biking today. Not a super long ride about 1.5 hours but good none the less. Felt strong on the bike and my legs felt pretty good compared to the last few rides. Rode in Waterbury so got a good solid climb in. Feel good and I’m happy to have gotten some exercise, either CrossFit or mountain biking 7 of the last 8 days. I will say I’m feeling tired and a rest day tomorrow will be nice. Should be back at it on Monday. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, May 21st, 2010

Legs are feeling much better this morning. Quads are still sore, but at least I’m mobile now. Knees are feeling considerably better, still hurting a little bit, but much better. I really think the cycling is helping them a ton. Back was hurting this morning and really hurting after work. I had to move around a bunch of large rocks today, and then move dirt with a hoe for about 2 hours, so a lot of lower back intensive work. Need to pick up some more tiger balm, I’ve been out for a couple weeks and it really helped last time. Just got home from the park. Had a great workout, got a good size group, 7 people. Did a team WOD which I think everyone had a good time with. Everyone worked hard, and people’s movement is definitely getting better already after…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, May 20th, 2010

Ah, soreness is even worse today. Glutes are fine this morning, but my quads are in extreme pain. I’ve been having trouble walking around all day. Did trail work for about 5 hours this morning, was good to be out and moving around, but I don’t think it helped loosen up my muscles too much. Back is still messed up, again slowly getting better, but still not right, and definitely not ready for any heavy lifting. Despite the leg pain I came home and forced myself to do a workout which went suprisingly well. WOD: AQAP:1.0 mile Schwinn Airdyne20 Power Snatch 75lbs30 Inverted Rows40 Push-ups50 Box Jumps 24″40 Push-ups30 Inverted Rows20 Power Snatch 75lbs1.0 mile Schwinn Airdyne 16:29 Workout was solid and I felt pretty good throughout it. Smashed through the first set of power snatches unbroken which felt good. From there it slowed…