Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, April 30th, 2010

Super sore this morning. As usual the walking lunges killed my glutes. I’m currently having trouble moving around. Got out in the woods for a few hours this morning to do some trail work. Unfortunately didn’t get around to getting a workout in today. Sent an e-mail out to a bunch of people earlier this week to see what kind of interest there was in doing a park workout. We met up at Dorest Park tonight and 8 people showed up which was great. There were a few others who had to bail because of last minute things, so it seems like some interest has definitely been built. Going to try and make this a weekly or bi-weekly meeting. Looking to get in a solid workout tomorrow since I missed today. Cheers. – Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Still feeling real sore today. Again my hip flexors and hamstrings are really sore. Going to work on stretching them out a bit. Was not feeling very well today, lacking energy big time. I got a workout in, although it was slow going. Just wasn’t motivated, and my body wasn’t feeling a workout. I did feel better afterward and getting a good sweat in. Pumped for a park workout tomorrow. Looks like quite a few people are coming. WOD: 5 rounds AQAP:10 DB Walking Lunges 40lb10 DB Push Press 40lb10 DB Swings 40lb10 Burpees* Once the weights are picked up for the lunges they can’t be set down until the 1st is set down for the swing and the 2nd is set down for the burpee. If you set the weights down any other time it is a 5 burpee penalty at the…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

Hurting this morning. Quads and abs are still pretty sore. My hips flexors and hamstrings are feeling it quite a bit from the sprints yesterday. Don’t feel anything form the chins or power cleans yesterday. Finished college today, went out and had a binge on food to celebrate. Poor food choices, but back at it tomorrow. Got in a good little WOD today, going to try and hit yoga in the morning and also get a WOD in, in the evening. WOD: AQAP:21-18-15-12-9-6-3Row for caloriesDB Stiff Leg Deadlift 25lbsDB Push Press 25lbs 10:18 Workout was solid, a little shorter than I expected. I was thinking the rowing was going to take a little longer, but it was quicker than expected. Rowed hard, my computer read out a 1:44 500m average at the end of all the rowing but that was with the fan…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Monday, April 26th, 2010

Wow, I’m sore today. My knees are aching a little but not nearly as bad as in the past. I’m going to continue keeping the squatting low, and do the same quad exercises I have been because I think it’s working. Quads and abs are quite sore today, especially my quads, chest and shoulders are also a bit sore. Feeling good today but a little tired, might have stayed up a little late last night. Motivated myself once I got home to workout instead of taking a nap first. Happy I did, feel great, and had a good workout. WOD:CrossFit Football 4/23/2010 Strength:Power Clean: 195×3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Weighted Chin-up: 30×3, 40×3, 50×3, 60×3, 60×3 Intervals:2 x 20 Meter Sprints (rest 20 seconds between efforts) Rest 30 seconds then… 4 x 30 Meter Sprints (rest 30 seconds between efforts) Rest 30 seconds…