Author: Jade

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Sunday, April 25th, 2010

Woke up feeling better today, but still a bit off. Went out and did trail work for about 4 hours, came home took a mid-afternoon nap for an hour or so, and then did a group WOD at 5. Betsy came over to workout and my roommate Matt worked out as well. Nice to get a few people working together. Everyone did a great job. WOD: Strength:Military Press: 120×5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Met-con:3 rounds AQAP50 Air Squats40 Sit-ups30 Push-ups20 Inverted Rows10 Burpees 15:26 Training was pretty solid for me. Military press was up 5lbs from last time, and I was able to get through all 5 sets at my goal weight. I think I could do a couple sets at 125 but definitely not all 5 of them. All reps were solid and strict, from chest to lockout. Met-con was good as…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Friday, April 23rd, 2010

Feeling great this morning. Glutes are still a bit sore, and my chest is sore from the ring dips yesterday. Kept the eating clean all day yesterday, I feel lean and strong, feel great. Almost done with school, one more week and I’m graduating, finally. Got in a solid WOD today, decided to work the knees a little to see how they respond. WOD: Strength/Maintenance:Back Squat: 45×10, 75×10, 95×10, 115×10, 135×10 Met-con:3 rounds AQAP15 Hang Power Clean 135lb15 Burpees 5:17 Decided to do a little squatting to see how my knees were feeling. Knees felt great during the actual squats, we’ll see how they feel later this evening. Didn’t go too heavy, but heavy enough (for me) to put a little work on the legs. Shows that my legs have definitely gotten a little weak from not squatting for about 2 months. Last…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

Glutes are still feeling super sore this morning along with my hamstrings. Was feeling really beat today, for whatever reason I don’t know, but I got myself going and got in a solid workout. I’ve eaten clean thus far today, should be able to keep it the rest of the day. Got our first investment today which is great, the check is written and signed. Depositing it tomorrow with our attorney. Things are really starting to roll now. I think I’m going to give the main-site WOD a go tomorrow. Going to do it prescribed so it’ll be slow, but should be a solid one. WOD: Accessory: 40 Yard Sled Pull Backwards: 165lb, 165lb, 210lb, 210lb 40 Yard Sled Pull Forwards: 165lb, 165lb, 210lb, 210lb Met-con: 3 Intervals for reps: 4 minutes of work time followed by 2 minutes rest 1 Interval is the…

Champlain Valley CrossFit: Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

Rest day today. I was thinking of trying to do some accessory/maintenance work today but just didn’t have the time. With one week of school left I’m a bit busy, and didn’t have the time to get out today. Glutes and hamstrings are incredibly sore this morning. You can always count on walking lunges to hit you hard. Shoulders are a little sore, other than that I feel good. My knees were hurting a bit last night, and a little this morning, but not too bad. Going to continue with the same maintenance work for my knees as they definitely seem to be getting better. Not sure what I’m going to hit tomorrow for a WOD, possibly the mainsite WOD. We shall see how my legs are feeling in the morning. Cheers. – Jade