Author: Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, April 10th, 2010

Woke up feeling awful this morning. Went out last night, had a couple beers, nothing I would normally think would affect me very much, but I felt like complete garbage in the morning, and that feeling stayed around for most of the day. Did a training session with my Dad and a couple of his buddies which went well. Everyone worked hard and did a good job. WOD: Strenght/Power:Speed Deadlift: 225×3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Met-con:3 rounds AQAP:10 Burpee Box Jumps 18″15 Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95lb20 DB Swings 50lb 7:14 Workout went well. The deadlifts were done for lighter weight, approximately 60% 1RM, and for speed, a la Louie Simmons. Goal is to drive the weight up as quickly as possible. Felt strong and powerful on them. Not much else that needs to be said about them. Met-con was good, tougher than expected….

CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, April 9th, 2010

Feeling good this morning. Traps and lower back are a little sore. Got another long night of sleep in, another solid 9 hours. Definitely felt a little groggy getting up, my body is definitely craving a high carb intake. Back on the clean eating 2 full days and clean so far today. I’ve decided to do Paleo plus dairy. The only dairy I really eat though is cheese, and even that is just cheddar cheese, so little to no lactose. I’m not going to make a habit of eating it, just eat when it arises in a meal. Since I’m doing 4 days of training in a row, or at least that’s the plan, I did light recovery work today. Hopefully doing a group WOD tomorrow with my Dad and some of his friends. WOD: 60 Yard Sled Walk Forward 165lbs: 1, 1,…

CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, April 8th, 2010

Got a solid nights sleep last night. Been a while since I slept a solid 9 hours. Body feels good, chest and tris are a little sore, but nothing serious. Despite solid clean eating yesterday and a good nights sleep I was feeling pretty beat for a good portion of the day. I was eating poorly for the last couple fo weeks, so I think it is going to take my body a few days to get used to the low carbs again. Did motivate myself though and got in a solid training session. WOD: Warm-up:250 Single-unders Met-con:“DT” Scaled Down5 rounds AQAP:12 Deadlift 115lb9 Hang Power Cleans 115lb6 Push Jerk 115lb 6:11 Accessory Work:Glute Bridges: 15, 15, 15 Skill:Double-unders: 25 Solid training today. Started with the single-unders first which went well. Got about 150 unbroken to start. Took me 4 or 5 trys…

CrossFit In Vermont: Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

Feel awesome this morning, even though I had a bad day yesterday and ate a lot of crap because of it. Got some good and bad news yesterday. The bad news is really just that I’ve got some extra work to do now in regards to opening an affiliate. I will post an update about what’s happening tomorrow. Beautiful day today and given my high levels of energy I got a solid workout in this morning. Crazy enough, there is still a tiny bit of soreness in my tris and shoulders. Really can’t believe it, it has been a week. WOD: Strength:Strict Ring Dips: 8, 8, 6, 4 Met-con:4 rounds AQAP:500m row100 Single-unders 12:44 Given my knees can’t be hit really hard with the weights my upper body is going to be getting a lot of work. Decided to hit the ring dips…

CrossFit Vermont: Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Didn’t workout today. Felt like crap, no energy at all. All my spare time today went to sleeping. Big part is probably my poor eating the last few days, but that shouldn’t be the sole reason. Hope I’m not getting sick. Felt considerably better by the time I went to bed, but the first half of the day I just felt like garbage. I’m planning on training tomorrow instead of today assuming I feel well. – Jade