Author: Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Pretty sore this morning. Hip flexors are really feeling it, but other than that not much. Knees are really hurting. Did some more research on what I believe to be my knee problem and I have some more stuff that I’m going to work on to see if it helps. Med balls showed up today. They sure are nice, would have been nice to buy a couple of heavier ones, but I bought them really to train less conditioned people so they should work great. I got the 8lb ones, they are Dynamax balls and definitely a nice piece of equipment. Training today was tough. I took a WOD from SLC CrossFit where my buddy trains. I guess I slayed it pretty well because I did more work than everyone at his gym. Solid workout and I’m sure I’ll be feeling it tomorrow….

CrossFit Vermont: Monday, March 15th, 2010

Feeling great this morning. Lower back is actually still a little sore. Have eaten strict paleo all day today. Bed in a couple of hours so I should have another solid clean day of eating. Got to use some of my new equipment this afternoon which was nice. Weather is starting to get really nice, possible 60’s this weekend which means I’m getting out on the mountain bike. Knees are aching pretty bad right now, they were doing a lot better but today they are hurting quite a bit. Going to keep massaging, stretching, and foam rolling. Hopefully they feel better in the morning. WOD: 40 Yard Sled Sprint: Bodyweight x2, 30×2, 75×2, 120×4 Overhead Squat: 45×10, 65×10, 95×10, 115×10 Workout felt good. The sled pulls were up a decent grade which made them that much harder. The first two “bodyweight” were just…

CrossFit Vermont: Saturday, March 13th & Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Double post here for double rest days. Saturday all rest all day, and Sunday just didn’t have time to get to the gym and it was raining so no WOD outside. Lower back and quads are still pretty sore from Thursday and Friday training. Had a big cheat meal Saturday, wasn’t even craving anything but just felt after 10 solid days I earned it. Woke up Sunday morning with a food hangover. Felt awful until the afternoon, non-paleo food is thankfully becoming less and less appealing to me. Might be raining a lot tomorrow so I won’t be able to use my weight sled, if so I’ll break it out Tuesday. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Friday, March 12th, 2010

Feeling much better this morning, still good and sore though. Lower back and hamstrings are still hurting a good bit, and my front delts are really sore from the ring-pushups yesterday. Taken in strict paleo so far today, feel great. Part of my Rogue order showed up yesterday, just the bar, and it gave me a bit of a shocker today with my lifting. It’s a 45lb bar, and definitely a little heavier than the bars I’ve been using, which I think are 40lbs. Not a huge a difference, but it means all my previous weights were lighter than they actually were. The bar is definitely sweet though, and my bumpers and sled should be here this evening. Got a good workout in today, all strength work, and did so with my neighbor Alex. Cool to have another person who is into CrossFit…

CrossFit Vermont: Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Wow, felt like crap this morning. I broke the ole paleo last night, had 3 beers, over about 3 hours. Didn’t feel buzzed even, but I think the alcohol contributed to some bad sleep last night, and just put me in an off state today. I had a cheat today as well, about 1.5oz of Cheddar Cheese. My roommate had it out and I hadn’t had it in quite some time, no lactose in it really, and my stomach felt fine. Traps, lower back, and hamstrings are hurting pretty good from yesterday. Felt good otherwise, and motivated myself to get a workout in despite my tired/off feeling. WOD: Met-con:500m Rowthen5 rounds of10 Ring Push-ups,20 Sit-ups30 Air Squatsthen500m Row 13:19 Training felt good. I wanted to do a met-con where I was doing some squats to see how my knees would react. So far…