Author: Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Wednesday, March 10th, 2010

Feeling great this morning. Knees feel good, and I feel lean and mean. Worked out immediately upon waking with no food in the belly. Did some foam rolling and stretching first and then hit the weights. It’s 2:00 right now, I’ve been strict paleo thus far today and am going to keep it up for the day to cap off a solid week of no cheats except for a little salad dressing. WOD: Met-con:10, 9, 8…3, 2, 1135lb Power CleanBurpees 9:18 Skill:Overhead Squat: 45×8, 8, 8 Workout was awesome, felt great, and pushed hard. Warmed up with the jump rope. I’m going to make a point of learning double-unders. Today was more or less a failure, all attempts were comprised of 2-3 reps, except for one attempt where I somehow got 15. Need to learn how to repeat that. Met-con was great, damn…

CrossFit Vermont: Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

Decided to take the day off today from training. I had two solid days, and given my knee situation I don’t want to go to overboard getting back into things. I plan on training tomorrow morning. I will say that my knees were killing today at work. I’m finding they get aggravated when standing for long periods of time. Other than that I feel great. Ate almost perfect paleo today, I had a little caesar dressing, other than that though everything was Paleo. Looking forward to a solid training session tomorrow morning. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Monday, March, 8th, 2010

Felt good this morning, but boy was I sore. My entire posterior chain is pretty cooked. Hams, lower back and traps are all quite sore, the rest feels tired. Continued to eat well, strict paleo again today, 5 days now, feel great. Loving the crock pot, it is definitely making eating paleo a little easier. Makes it so I’m not cooking quite as much. Going to try the stuffed peppers this week that just got posted on Mark’s Daily Apple. Knees are definitely feeling better, they are still bothering me a bit at work when I’m standing on concrete for 6-8 hours but other than that they are pretty good. Solid training session today. WOD: Met-con:5 rounds for time50lb DB Push Press 10 reps400m Run 10:03 Skill:Front Squat: 45×8, 8, 8 Happy with my training again today. Worked on that mental barrier and…

CrossFit Vermont: Sunday, March 7th, 2010

Feeling great this morning, I can’t believe it but there is still a hint a of soreness in my glutes. Wow. Back and shoulders feel fine from Friday. Energy levels are starting to pick back up and I’m starting to notice my high level of satiety from being back on the high fat, high protein diet. Ate strict paleo again today, feels so great. Got out of work today and was pumped to hit the weights. A little scared/nervous because I knew the workout would be pretty destructive, but I pumped myself up for it and hit it hard. WOD: Met-conFor time:21-15-9 225lb Deadlift750m, 500m, 250m Row 8:13 Skill:Air Squat: 15, 15, 15 Training was really solid today. I did about 10 minutes of stretching and rolling, then 1K on the rower and then did my met-con. I was honestly a little nervous…

CrossFit Vermont: Saturday, March 6th, 2010

Feeling pretty good this morning. My glutes are still pretty sore, shoulders feel worked, lats actually feel better than they did last night. Again my knees are feeling a little bit better today. Took a trip over to Dick’s to pick up some lacrosse ball to help with some self massage. Ate clean paleo again today, feeling really good. Working on trying to up my protein intake to help me put some muscle/strength on. Trying to do meat 3 times a day, and a couple scoops of protein powder. That’s leaving me between 150-200g per day with the other bits of protein I get from nuts, veggies, and fruit. So 3 solid days back on the paleo feel great, a little tired though naturally which is expected. Looking forward to crushing a hard workout tomorrow. Cheers. – Jade