Author: Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Friday, February 26th, 2010

Got up early, for me (7), this morning and got to the gym. I have to say I felt so energized and ready to go both before and after the gym. Really felt amazing. Been solid clean eating for a few days now and I feel great. Abs are still sore this morning, same with the hamstrings, everything else feels fine. Looked at another space this morning,  a little big, and a little expensive so I don’t think it is going to work. The original space that I liked the most still looks like our best bet. Solely strength work today, happy with my lifts. WOD: Military Press: 115×5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Weighted Chin-up: 25×5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Weighted Push-up: 45×8, 8, 8 Kettlebell Windmill: 44×5, 5, 5 Solid training today. Used my tips from the level 1 cert. on the…

CrossFit Vermont: Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Took the day off again today. Since I don’t really have the option of hitting the lower body much I don’t want to burn my upper body out. I’m going to stick to an every other day for these two “rest” weeks. Lats and abs are both quite sore from the workout yesterday. Shoulders feel a little tired, but not sore, and my hamstrings are a bit sore, thankfully not to bad though. Feel solid otherwise, and feel good from eating clean. Some goods thoughts about overtraining here. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

Still a little sore this morning from Monday in my chest and glutes. Ring dips hit me pretty good and the lunges as always hammered my glutes. Almost thought I wasn’t going to get a workout in today again, but I had a meeting cancelled so I was able to do something in my garage. Going through a foam rolling and stretching routine morning and night, hopefully this helps with my knee pain, really hoping the pain has been caused by tightness somewhere. I noticed my hips have gotten quite tight so maybe that’s the problem. WOD: Met-con:10 rounds for time2 HSPU (2 45lb Iron Plate depth roughly 2″)4 Strict Ring Pull-ups16 Sit-ups 12:22 Strength:DB Stiff Leg Deadlift: 60×12, 12, 12 Solid training. Met-con wasn’t overly hard cardiovascularly but it worked my muscles pretty well. Abs were hurting really bad, and by the…