Author: Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Monday, February 8th, 2010

No training today. Woke up this morning feeling like crap. Head a bit foggy, and almost feeling a bit sick. Left knee is hurting a lot, not sure why, but it does. Looking down the bottom right of my knee cap area is in some pain. Was on my feet all day at work, and the joint pain I’ve had wasn’t there, but this new knee pain definitely was. Ate extremely poorly today, bunch of pizza at work, and a couple of cookies. Started the day feeling crappy, and ended it feeling worse because of my weak self-restraint. Hope I feel better tomorrow, and get a good training session in. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Sunday, February 7th, 2010

Finally felt pretty decent this morning, and I actually got a workout in. Went off the paleo today. Had a superbowl party, about 25 people came over. I had a big chunk of cheese, and it was my roommates birthday so I had a couple bites of birthday cake. The cheese definitely upset my stomach a bit, and gave me a good bit of gas. While I feel better, this head cold is still lingering, hopefully it completely disappears tomorrow. I’ve got my Level 1 cert. this coming weekend and I’d like to be all healthy for it. WOD: Strength:Speed Back Squat (50% 1RM) 60 seconds rest: 145×2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 Met-con:AMRAP in 10 minutesHigh Pull 135×3Push-up x 6Sit-up x 12 12 Rounds, 9 reps Workout was awesome. Despite a little bit of my head cold still lingering I…

CrossFit Vermont: Saturday, February 6th, 2010

What do you know, still sick today. Although my head doesn’t feel so bad today I’m pretty sapped of energy. No training yet again today. Really trying to just let my body recover. I’ve done the training while I’m still kind of sick thing in the past, and I only think it delays the healing process. Hoping tomorrow will be okay. Solid eating all day today, 100% paleo. Hoping to catch the UFC fights tonight. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit Vermont: Friday, February 5th, 2010

So I’m changing the title of my web page and my posts to “CrossFit Vermont” to work on better web presence. Still sick this morning, and it kept up throughout the day. Being sick is really lame, I hate it. Ate strict paleo all day yesterday, and so far all day today as well. I hopped on the Airdyne bike for 20 minutes this evening to try and work up a little sweat hoping it would help push some of this sickness out. Worked at a medium-high pace, did 6.7 miles in the 20 minutes. Received all but one of the books I ordered yesterday. I’ve definitely got some reading to do. Starting with “Good Calories, Bad Calories,” which so far is very interesting. I really hope I feel better tomorrow. Want to get a solid session of training in. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, February 4th, 2010

No training today. Woke up with a nasty head cold. Now that my cough is finally gone this thing raises its ugly head. Felt like crap all day, pumped the DayQuil. Feeling better right now (9PM) hopefully should be good to go tomorrow. Going to get a solid nights sleep. Books started showing up today so pumped to begin reading them, I’m definitely going to have my hands full though. Knees feel even better today. About to foam roll them before bed, feels nice to have working knees again. Cheers. – Jade