Author: Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Wow, posterior chain is destroyed today. Between the deadlifts on Monday and the power cleans and chest-to-bar pull-ups yesterday everything on the back side of my body hurts. Off day today from the weights but I did make it in for some yoga at the Bikram studio. Went well but I think I’m coming down with something as my head was a little foggy and I felt a little dizzy a couple times in class. Ate very clean all day except for a couple blocks of chocolate again. That stuff seems to be helping with my food sanity. One thing I noticed at work this evening was that my knees were hurting way less than they have been. Between the yoga and foam rolling I think I’ve found a remedy, which I think was just tightness in my legs. Going to continue with…

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, February 2nd, 2009

Good and sore this morning. My traps, lower back, and hamstrings are all pretty sore, obviously from the deadlifts. Surprisingly neither my lats or chest are sore from the muscle-up progressions. Solid eating today, all paleo except a couple squares of local 80% Cocoa Lake Champlain Chocolate. This is a nice little cheat for me, and has very little sugar and dairy in it. Ordered some sups today, making the switch from whey protein to egg protein. We shall see how that tastes, pretty similar in price and macro-nutrients without the dairy side of things. Ordered a crap load of books the other night, I’ll have a lot of reading to do in regards to nutrition and training. Solid training today, and as I write this at night I’m feeling pretty sore. Rest day tomorrow, going to try and make it to Bikram…

CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, February 1st, 2010

Pretty sore this morning from Bikram last night. My hip flexors, calves, and quads are all a bit sore. Feel good otherwise, and I feel lean. Really haven’t made much progress on the weight loss as I haven’t been eating completely clean. I really can’t wait to stop working at the restaurant that way I don’t have that food around me all the time. Was feeling a little tired after work, took a quick 20 minute nap, and then hit the weights in the garage. It has finally warmed up enough to workout in the garage, it’s been in the single digits the last few days and garage training was just not happening. Solid training today though. WOD: Strength:Muscle-up Progression: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 Met-con:7 rounds for timeDeadlift 275×5“True” Burpees 10 9:12 Solid workout today. Warmed up with the rower and airdyne…

CrossFit In Vermont: Sunday, January 31st, 2010

Stuck with my schedule, so another rest day today. It wasn’t complete rest though. I got out of work a little early and made it over to Bikram for Betsy’s class. Definitely feeling pretty worked afterward. My knees have been hurting a lot lately, and there were definitely some poses where I was getting some pain, I think I’m just tight. Going to start getting back into yoga again, I don’t want to deal with this knee pain anymore. Going to try and do Sunday Bikram, and Monday Kripalu at school. Two days a week should be good. I’ll be doing Monday’s right after my workout so I’ll bring along some post workout chow. Knees are hurting right now after yoga, hopefully they are feeling better in the morning. Cheers. – Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, January 30th, 2010

No training today. As much as I wanted to I was just too sore. My glutes and quads were absolutely destroyed from the last two days, and given the burpee/heavy deadlift met-con I was planning on doing I just didn’t see it happening. So a day off. Got some work done but other then that it was a pretty unproductive day. A nice big nap in the middle of the day which was awesome. Had a huge breakfast this morning. Great breakfast when you don’t want to eat much for a while. 3 eggs, 1/2lb bacon, and 1 orange. Cheers. – Jade