Author: Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, January 29th, 2010

Solid day today. Incredibly sore today in my glutes. Those bulgarian squats really did kill me. Such an awesome exercise, need to do them more, and I definitely think they will help with bringing up my overall squat numbers. Ate very well all day, although I went to a dinner party and had a bunch of red wine. Ate paleo all day except for a little maple syrup in the salad dressing. We made a couple spaghetti squashes which were awesome. So happy to have found these bad boys because they will really help curb my craving for pasta. Solid day of training today. Also picked up a new piece of equipment for the gym. For now it will reside in my garage. Pretty sweet rig, and I got it super cheap. Definitely a good complement to the rower. Snagged a Schwinn Airdyne…

CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, January 28th, 2009

Feeling great this morning after a solid day of rest. I ate extremely poorly last night at work. Lost my will power and overindulged in pizza and some other treats. With inspiration from the CF Football website I’m going to start throwing up some pictures of food I’m eating. Make people hungry, and crave the good stuff. I’ll try and put something up every day.  This morning breakfast was an entire avocado, a mango, and 5 eggs scrambled, yokes and all. Definitely a huge breakfast but it kept me full most of the day. I ate it a couple of hours after I got up and it lasted me until about 4:00. Lots of fat, probably not quite enough protein, and plenty of sugar and carbs from the mango. Bought this food with my tip money from last night, I get paid tomorrow,…

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

A little tired this morning. Went to the gym right when I woke up. Bummed I missed snagging a C2 rower by a day. It was $300 to, I’ve got to pay more attention to the ole craigslist. Had a good meeting with Bob today to discuss business stuff for the affiliate. WOD: CF TotalBack Squat: 285Military Press: 135Deadlift: 365 Total: 785 Training was awful today. I really hope it was just a fluke and it was an off day. All I can say is that I was weak. I was looking to hit 305/145/405. Last time I did the CF total I did 285/140/385. So today one lift stayed the same and 2 went down. I don’t know what the deal was, but I was straight up weak today. In the last month I deadlifted 365×3/275×10 and squated 255×4/265×3 the other day so…

CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, January 25th, 2010

A little tired this morning but feeling good. Worked out shortly after work. I’ve made a couple more contacts within the local community who are interested in CrossFit. Been a bit off the paleo wagon the last few days, and I definitely feel it. I’m broke until Friday, so I’m lacking in grocery money. I honestly don’t have any money to buy groceries until Friday, so there may be some more none-paleo intake. WOD: Strength/Skill:Handstand Push-up: 3″x3, 3″x3, 2″x3, 2″x3, 2″x3 Met-con:Row 5K 18:371:51.6 500m Average Solid training today. I did the low rep HSPU’s to really get an idea of what I can do. The inch measurement stands for the distance from the floor I was going. I used solid iron 45lb plates, first 2 sets I had 3 plates on the ground, last 3 sets had 2 plates on the ground. I think…