Author: Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

Wow, my traps are sore this morning. I guess they got pretty hammered from the DB deads yesterday. Shoulders feel a little tired but other than that I feel pretty solid. Feel healthy and good all around. I like the look of that warm weather coming our way. Finished the biz plan today. It needs a little grammatical editing, but I’m happy with it, it’s done and I’m ready to really get this thing rolling. WOD: Strength:Power Clean: 185×3, 185×3, 185×3, 190×3, 190×3 Met-con:Row 2K 7:16 Solid training today. Happy with my power cleans. Just over my body weight for a few reps. I’m going to say my 1RM is 205. At this point Power and Full clean are pretty evenly matched, but that needs to change, full clean needs to start separating itself from the power clean. The rowing was good today,…

CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Woke up a little sore this morning. My legs are feeling a bit tired from the workout yesterday, but surprisingly my lats are quite sore. I imagine from the cleans, but possibly the plyo push-ups as well, that catch on the way back down. Took a trip down to Montpelier today to pick up another C2 rower from craigslist, and I stopped in at the CrossFit affiliate that is open there. Nice place, pretty cool idea, it’s more of a family center, offers yoga, a little bouldering room, a couple other things, and is a non-profit so it is considerably cheaper than the typical affiliate. When talking to Nick who runs the place one thing that I was thrilled to hear, and made me incredibly confident about opening an affiliate is that they have amassed 100 clients in 2.5 months. That’s crazy growth,…

CrossFit In Vermont: Thursday, January 21st, 2010

I went down to the local coast guard station to workout this morning. I trained with a guy named Chris who stumbled upon my site while valianty trying to figure out when the hell there would be a CrossFit box in Vermont. It’s great to know that people are out there searching for it, and even finding the info that I am putting out. Super nice guy and it was good to have someone to train with. I imagine we’ll be getting together a few more times before I open CrossFit Vermont, and hopefully he and some of his peers are able to make it over to train. WOD: Olympic Work:Clean & Jerk: 135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 165×3, 170×3 Met-con:3 rounds for time:25 18″ Box Jumps15 Plyo Push-ups 3:30 Then 1 Round Tabatta Abmat Sit-upsLowest Interval 11 reps Solid training today. Pretty happy with…

CrossFit In Vermont: Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

No go on the training today. Given the way my school and work schedule is this semester I just don’t think I’m going to have the time to follow the 3-on 1-off schedule and work out on whatever days that puts me on. Given my schedule I think I’m going to be able to do a Monday, Tuesday training, and then a Thursday, Friday, Saturday training. This still gives me 5 days which is plenty, especially considering I’m often too sore to hit 6 days in the weeks that are setup like that. So no training today, just rest. Feeling pretty good, and looking forward to hitting the weights tomorrow. New paleolithic solution by Robb Wolf here. Cheers. – Jade