Author: Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Feeling great this morning. Got a solid nights sleep, and woke up early (for me) without my alarm. Worked for a while on my business plan this morning, then class, and hit the gym after that. So far eating has been solid, all paleo today. Surprisingly not very sore from yesterdays workout. After the destruction that Barbara caused me I would have thought there would be some similar feeling this morning. Luckily that was not the case. Back is a little sore but other than that I feel good. WOD: Back Squat: 245×4, 255×4, 265×3 Front Squat: 185×6, 185×6, 185×6 Overhead Squat: 115×8, 125×8, 125×6 Solid workout today, worked the legs hard, and worked on having all sets heavy not just a couple of them. Again last time I did my CF total my back squat max was 285, so I must be…

CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, January 18th, 2010

Well, still sore this morning. Legs and back are pretty much recovered but both my chest, and especially my abs are still pretty cooked. Unfortunately had a bad day of eating, wolfed down a couple slices of pizza at work, but everything else was clean paleo food. Kind of odd. I wasn’t really craving them, but I ate them almost in a preemptive action so that I don’t go on some ridiculous binge a week down the road. Either way it didn’t upset my stomach at all, but I will say that it made by head feel a little funny. Feeling great though, and definitely getting leaner, I think I’m closing in on that 10% body fat level, all while getting stronger. WOD:“Angie”For time:100 Pull-ups100 Push-ups100 Sit-ups100 Squats 17:12 Have to say I’m pumped on the workout. Again between my overall good eating…

CrossFit In Vermont: Sunday, January 17th, 2010

Had to take a rest day today. My body is incredibly sore, and my chest is just destroyed after already being sore yesterday and then hitting the ole bench press which I haven’t touched in like 4 months. Surprisingly not as sore in the trap and lower back area as I thought I would have been. Abs are destroyed, again from all the sit-ups on Friday and then the toes-to-bar yesterday. Not only sore today but feeling pretty beat as well. I slept awful last night. I’ve had this little itch in the back of my throat all week and it is starting to cause some pretty intense coughing. It kept me up for a while at 4 AM last night, wasn’t to psyched. It’s weird because I don’t really feel sick, and it honestly just feels like a feather is itching my…

CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, January 16th, 2010

So sore this morning. My entire body is in pain, legs, abs, lats, and chest are particulary sore given the exercises from yesterday. Solid eating today, had some chicken wings which had very minimal breading, but other than that I’ve eaten clean all day. Still pumped on my time yesterday doing barbara. Was kind of looking forward to my training today, and kind of dreading it as well because I knew how hard I can and should be pushing myself. I’ve been reading little snippits here and there from people about the mental aspect of training and it is something I need to work on. Thinking about doing barbara yesterday there were definitely times on both the squats and sit-ups that I could have pushed harder, it was just my head telling me no. This, for me, is something that is also relevenant…

CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, January 15th, 2010

So I had my first real legitimate cheat last night. Went to a dinner party and had a good sized chunk of cheddar cheese and a few chocolate chip cookies, along with a couple glasses of red wine. Fortunately it didn’t upset my stomach at all, and I felt fine this morning. I did sleep a bit longer than expected this morning though, so I hit the gym in the evening instead. Feeling pretty good this morning, I’ve got a little shin splint action, and some weird soreness in my entire lower leg area. Nothing too painful, hopefully it just helps strength my legs that much more. Clean eating thus far today. WOD: “Barbara”5 rounds for time of:20 Pull-ups30 Push-ups40 Sit-ups50 Air Squats 24:50 Super pumped on this workout today. I was expecting to beat my previous time by a good bit as…