Author: Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Pretty good day yesterday as far as eating goes. I had some ketchup and then my roommate brought home a bag of Reese’s minis and this was something I just couldn’t keep myself away from. Had one serving of them which is 5. Overall I think it was a good day and I feel great. 12/14/09 IntakeCalories 2409Fat 148 grams 55%Cabrs 106.5 grams 17%Protein 166 grams 28%Fiber 37 gramsCholesterol 981mg Unfortunately my knee is still hurting today so no training. In fact it is starting to bruise just below the knee cap. Don’t know what the hell has happened to it. I hope it’s not serious. Going to continue applying ice and tiger balm and hopefully it gets better. Would really like to get a workout in tomorrow. – Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, December 14th, 2009

So eating yesterday was great. At least back on track for one day, I just hope it can continue. Non-paleo food was some ketchup and whey protein. I already feel better after one clean day of eating. 12/13/09 IntakeCalories 2304Fat 127.5 grams 50%Carbs 92.5 grams 16%Protein 197 grams 34%Fiber 31 gramsCholesterol 1264mg Shoulders are pretty sore this morning, and unfortunately my left knee is in a lot of pain. I don’t know what’s wrong with it. But it is hurting very badly. I’m going to have to skip training today as I’m relatively immobile. My knees have been hurting the past few days from doing pistol squats, but they felt pretty much fine as of yesterday morning. Now this morning my left one is in a ton of pain. Just below the knee cap is tender. I hope nothing to serious happened, and…

CrossFit In Vermont: Sunday, December 13th, 2009

Poor, poor, poor eating again yesterday. I wasn’t in a position to keep track/measure/know what I was eating yesterday as I was at a school function yesterday but I can say there was a lot of sugar. I’m really starting to feel the effects of my poor eating this week. Feeling tired, I need naps, not motivated, and generally don’t feel to happy. As I’m feeling these effects I’m really realizing that I need to get back on track with my nutritional intake. Feeling even more sore this morning. My legs are destroyed and my lats are still feeling really worked. Have been a slug all day but got myself into the gym. Thank god there wasn’t much in the way of leg work/usage today. WOD:BB Military Press Singles: 135, 140, 140, 135, 135BB Push Press: 155×3, 155×3, 160×3, 165×3, 165×3BB Push Jerk:…

CrossFit In Vermont: Saturday, December 12th, 2009

I actually ate pretty well yesterday, although I did go to a holiday party where there was a good amount of alcohol consumed so I guess that kind of cancels out the good day that it would have been. Again my intake doesn’t take into account any alcohol. 12/11/09 Intake1939 CaloriesFat 101 grams 47%Carbs 80 grams 17%Protein 171.5 grams 36%Fiber 21 gramsCholesterol 1196mg Extremely sore this morning pretty much all around. I think my chest is getting stronger, at least in proportion to my bodyweight because the push-ups in the burpees yesterday didn’t really bother me too much considering I ended up doing a 115 of them, but I guess that’s not a ton over 20 minutes. My lats are sore from catching my body when dropping into the burpee and my legs are destroyed. I did my squats yesterday with a stance…

CrossFit In Vermont: Friday, December 11th, 2009

Ha, more junk eating yesterday. I’m hitting it hard starting today. None of this crap I want to be a machine and get ripped up. I don’t want my performance or health to suffer because of overly self-indulgent practices. 12/10/09 IntakeCalories 3073Fat 138 grams 40%Carbs 334 grams 43%Protein 129.5 17%Fiber 16gCholesterol 931mg Prett sore today. My shoulders are really worked, traps are sore, lower back is worked, and quads are pretty cooked. So dreading the destructiveness that is going to come with today’s workout. Stress wise on a positive note, and non-training related, I got a 100% on my Financial Management Exam. WOD:AMRAP 20 minutes25 Burpees15x185lb Barbell Back Squat 4 Full Rounds + 15 Burpees This workout was brutal, especially considering the overall pain my body is in from the last two days of training. Squats felt a little weak, none of the…