Author: Jade

CrossFit In Vermont: Monday, November 30th, 2009

So definitely good eating yesterday. Non-paleo food was whey protein and some caesar dressing. My carbs were also a little high as I had a bottle of 100″ fruit juice. It was a bolthouse juice, there is nothing in the bottle accept for fruit based items so I’d consider it to be Paleo, but it did have 72 grams of carbs/fructose. I will note that I really wasn’t very hungry and ate under what I should be. Already feel better today after eating well yesterday. 11/29/09 Intake Calories 1769 Fat 81 grams Carbs 108.5 grams Protein 139 grams Fiber 17.5 grams Cholesterol 925mg Still wicked sore this morning. My legs are really hurting and my traps and upper middle back (I guess really my lower traps) are quite sore from yesterday. Feeling solid though overall, and feeling healthy and flushed after a few…

CrossFit In Vermont: Sunday, November 29th, 2009

Back on the Paleo wagon today. I’ll give my full report for today tomorrow as far as diet goes. My glutes today are incredibly sore. I think as far as my weak squat goes my problem comes from my glutes. I think I have more power in my quads then my glutes at this point, so I’m going to be working a good bit of squatting into my workouts to try and bring up my glute strength. WOD I was supposed to do today was Eva. This wasn’t happening because my shins are still hurting, and I’m trying to let my hands heal properly so they don’t get torn up so easily again, therefore wanted to skip the kipping pull-ups. So I decided to create my own WOD today. Warm Up:3 rounds PVC Shoulder Dislocations x 5PVC Overhead Squat x 5PVC Deadlift x…

Saturday, November 28th, 2009

All I have to say is that I feel awful. The last 3 days have been brutal and took a toll on my body. The grandparents and aunt made food that just doesn’t fit into the Paleo lifestyle, and since this was the case I decided to go all or nothing. No training and a lot of poor nutrition choices, no booze though. I legitimately feel ill from following a lifestyle for a few days that used to be the norm for me. I just went and worked out which made things worse, but hopefully my body is just sweating out the deathly toxic junk. Really need to get back on the wagon, feel sick, weak, and look noticeably disheveled, all from food. Training today was decent. I did feel weak but I worked on keeping a positive attitude in my head and…

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

Good day of nutrition yesterday, ate all paleo. Made some apricot Paleo cookies which turned out pretty bad. Not a huge fan, but they are definitely energy dense and I’m able to stomach them so they won’t go to waste. Going to search around for some more paleo desserts to see if I can find something a little better. 11/23/09 IntakeCalories 2043Fat 112.5 gramsCarbs 107 gramsProtein 150 gramsFiber 36.5 gramsCholesterol 908mg I was feeling a bit tired this morning, maybe a little run down from a couple hard weeks of training. Shins are still bothering me which is extremely annoying, I just want them better so I can jump, run, etc. Strayed from the WOD today as I’m going to be gone for a few days and wanted to get some strength work in as I’ll be down to just bodyweight met-con…

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Ate mostly Paleo yesterday, my non-paleo food was 2 TBSP of Organic Ketchup, and 2 scoops of ON Whey. The rest of the food was great throughout the day, and I really don’t consider those two items to be very bad. 11/22/09 IntakeCalories 2425Fat 102 gramsCarbs 159 gramsProtein 214Fiber 30 gramsCholesterol 1068mg Warm Up:3 rounds45lb Barbell Deadlift5 Pull-ups45lb Overhead Squat5 Push-ups5 12lb Medicine Ball Clean + Squat5 Sit-ups WOD:Clean + Jerk Singles135, 155, 185(F), 185(F), 185(F), 155, 155, 155, 155, 155 Additional Work:Ring Dips 5, 5, 5One Leg Calf Raises 5×40, 5×40, 5×40, 8, 8, 8 So training was pretty bad today. My legs were a little sore still, but I don’t think that had too much to do with my poor clean + jerks. After hitting 190 last week I wanted to get 195 today. I started with 135 and worked my way…