Author: Jade

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

Intake yesterday was great, everything I ate was Paleo. 11/16/09 IntakeCalories 2264Fat 125.5 gramsCarbs 93 gramsProtein 185 gramsFiber 23.5 gramsCholesterol 954mg Training was great today, skipped additional strength work today as I had a tough met-con today and had done strength work for the last 2 days. Warm Up:100 Double-unders 3 rounds5 45lb Barbell Deadlift5 Push-ups5 45lb Barbell Overhead Squat5 Sit-ups5 12lb Medicine Ball Clean + Squat WOD: AMRAP 20 minutes12 65lb Barbell Hang Power Snatch10 Push-upsCompleted 14 rounds Going to start here talking about the double-unders. They went okay, not awful, not great. I had some good spots of 10 or so, and some crappy ones of 2 or so. Although my shins did not hurt this morning, they were screaming after the double-unders. This is beginning to get extremely aggravating. I really wish they would just get better, going to try…

Monday, November 16th, 2009

Great day today. Start with yesterday’s nutrition. All paleo. 11/15/09 IntakeCalories 2334Fat 126.5 gramsCarbs 146.5 gramsProtein 162 gramsFiber 35.5 gramsCholesterol 290mg Great day of training today. Lower back is a little sore from yesterday, but other then that I felt pretty good. Got to the gym and stretched a little and then decided to work on double-unders. It’s been like a week and half since I tried them because of my shin splints. Low and behold my shins acted up within about a minute. This is really pissing me off at this point. I kept going, they didn’t hurt badly but there was definitely pain there. Hopefully I don’t wake up with a bunch of pain tomorrow. For what I did do, the double-unders were okay, got a few sets of 8 or 10, and a bunch of 4, 5, 6. It’d be…

Sunday, November 15th, 2009

So no tracking of my diet yesterday, I ate very poorly, and felt awful all day, so nothing more to post about that. This morning I drove from Boston over to Beverly, Mass to listen to a lecture by Dr. Barry Sears. This was defintely a worth while experience, but I do have some mixed thoughts about it. Dr. Sears presentation on inflammation was great and very informative. Aside from that a lot of the information “preached” was very contradictory to what I feel are the main ideas around CrossFit nutrition. In fact after going to the CrossFit Nutrition certification I found that there were a number of opposing views between the information presented today and the information presented at the certification. While I think it’s great to get these two different sides of information I’m a bit baffled as to why CrossFit…

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

On the road this weekend so training and nutrition is kind of out the door. Going to start with nutrition from Thursday. 11/12/09 IntakeCalories 2310Fat 109 gramsCarbs 110 gramsProtein 214.5 gramsFiber 25 gramsCholesterol 1496mg Drove down to Boston Friday for the weekend for CrossFit related stuff and to visit some buddies. My diet was actually great all day on Friday except for going out. I went out and had 4 beers over the course of the night. Training wise today was a day off thankfully. My thumb and pointer finger were still a little numb this morning which I was not to pumped about. My shoulders were not only incredibly sore but they almost felt a little injured. Hopefully my shoulders are just so sore that they feel somewhat injured. The center of my back/very low trap area is wicked sore as well. Legs…

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Interesting training day today. To start I definitely shouldn’t have done the workout as prescribed. It was a bit heavy, but I pushed through the workout and finished it, just at a slow pace at certain points. Worked on getting a different warm-up in today which I enjoyed, good combination of a bunch of moves. Warm Up:3 rounds of5 45lb Barbell Deadlift5 Pull-ups5 45lb Barbell Overhead Squat5 Push-ups5 12lb Medicine Ball Clean + Squat5 Sit-ups WOD:5 rounds for time of3 95lb Snatches15 95lb Overhead Squats400 Meter row Time 22:17 I replaced the prescribed running with rowing to give my shins a break. Although my shins feel fine at this point I want to give them extra rest to make sure that they really are healed all the way. I’m going to go back to running and jumping rope next week. So the snatches…