Author: Jade


We are now using MindBody for all of our client management and billing. This means that you can buy a membership, punch card, etc from anywhere you have internet. The below link will give you a brief explanation of how to create an account on our website… To get to our MindBody site click here If you have trouble with your account or are unable to sign-up please e-mail or talk to us when you’re in the gym.

We are psyched you’ve decided to check out our website and that you are interested in joining Champlain Valley CrossFit. All new members must complete either a group On-ramp course or a one-on-one On-ramp course. The group On-ramp course runs 10 classes over a month long period. We have an extended On-ramp program because we don’t want to waste your time or our own. We feel that in 10 classes we can give you a good understanding of the movements we use, the lifestyle we follow, and get you interested and attached to the awesome community we have. Any shorter we feel it’s tough to really show you everything. With your enrollment and payment of On-ramp, your entire month after On-ramp is included as well with the ability to come to as many classes as you’d like to during that month. There are…

A few too many pull-ups and a rubber coated pull up bar did a number on Jade’s hands. Pre saw dust storm. The cutting begins More cutting, a few partially finished boxes in the garage Start to another day of cutting. Good sunshine today. Boxes are starting to come together. 18″, 24″ and 6″ stackers on the left side. 6 18″ and 6 24″ boxes. Need a little sanding, urethane, and rubber on top and they are good to go. The guys post WOD, Phillip, Alex, Ryan