Author: Jade

Move/Power/Sport: Thursday, July 8th, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 6 of 12 Micro – Carry Emphasis – Week 2 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 10:00 – Class Review and Stretch: Review Structure and Flow of Concept Cardio Class (3-4 minutes) Stretch 1 minute/side Banded Lat/Tri/Rack Stretch 1 minute/side Pigeon Stretch 1 minute Pancake Stretch Concept Cardio class is designed to get you on all 4 machines and work on building more of aerobic/monostructural capacity. If you’re looking to run we encourage you to do so and and opt out of one of the two bikes for a run if you plan to run. 2a) 10:00 – 20:00 – 1 Set on Each Machine: 2 minutes Easy-to-Modearate 30 seconds Rest/Transition Doesn’t matter which machine you start on, just try and maintain the same flow/rotation through the class. 2b) 20:00 – 42:00 – 1 Set on Each Machine: 1…

Sport: Wednesday, July 7th, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 6 of 12 Micro – Carry Emphasis – Week 2 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up: A – Review of Programming and Class Flow B – Warm-up – 7 minute AMRAP: 15 Alternating Box Step-ups 50 Single-unders 10 Scapula Pull-ups 10 Hanging Hollow Rocks C – Movement specific review/instruction – Box Jump Over Skill/Technique D – Athlete setup for first working set The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class. 2a) 20:00 – 30:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 5-10 Strict Chin-ups + 10-15 Dumbbell Farmers Box Step-ups 50/35 @ 24/20 Goal stimulus here is work on building capacity in movements. Pick a rep range/weights that allow you to maintain both movements in unbroken sets for all 5 sets….

Move: Wednesday. July 7th, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 6 of 12 Micro – Carry Emphasis – Week 2 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up: A – Review of Programming and Class Flow B – Warm-up – 7 minute AMRAP: 15 Alternating Box Step-ups 50 Single-unders 10 Scapula Pull-ups 10 Hanging Hollow Rocks C – Movement specific review/instruction – Box Jump Over Skill/Technique D – Athlete setup for first working set The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class. 2a) 20:00 – 30:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 5-10 Strict Chin-ups + 10-15 Dumbbell Farmers Box Step-ups Goal stimulus here is work on building capacity in movements. Pick a rep range/weights that allow you to maintain both movements in unbroken sets for all 5 sets. Looking for around…

Power: Wednesday, July 7th, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 6 of 12 Micro – Carry Emphasis – Week 2 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up: A – Review of Programming and Class Flow B – Warm-up – 7 minute AMRAP: 15 Alternating Box Step-ups 50 Single-unders 10 Scapula Pull-ups 10 Hanging Hollow Rocks C – Movement specific review/instruction – Box Jump Over Skill/Technique D – Athlete setup for first working set The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class. 2a) 20:00 – 30:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 5-10 Strict Chin-ups + 10-15 Dumbbell Farmers Box Step-ups 35/25 @ 24/20 Goal stimulus here is work on building capacity in movements. Pick a rep range/weights that allow you to maintain both movements in unbroken sets for all 5 sets….

Sport: Tuesday, July 6th, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 6 of 12 Micro – Carry Emphasis – Week 2 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up: A – Review of Programming and Class Flow B – Warm-up: 400m Run Then 2-3 sets of… 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 10/side Front-to-Back Leg Swings 3 Inchworm + Push-up C – Movement specific review/instruction – Push-up D – Athlete setup for first working set The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class. 2) 20:00 – 60:00 – Every 5:00 x 8 sets: A – 0:00 – 3:00 – 400m Run B – 3:00 – 3:30 – Max Unbroken Push-ups C – 4:00 – 5:00 – 3 T+G Deadlifts Scaling/stimulus for this piece. For A, we want you having at least 30 seconds of Rest,…