Author: Jade

Power: Tuesday, July 7th, 2020

WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 9:00 – Every 1:00 x 9 sets: Station 1 – 10 Band Pull-Aparts w/Pause + 10 Banded Upright Rows w/Pause Station 2 – 5-10 Wall Therapy Squats Station 3 – (3x) Snatch High Pull + Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat Warm-up and movement prep. Focus on good activation and positions. 1b) 14:00 – 34:00 – Every 1:00 x 20 sets: Sets 1-5 (14:00 – 19:00) – 10 Alternating Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges Sets 6-10 (19:00 – 24:00) – 10 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts Sets 10-15 (24:00 – 29:00) – 10 Barbell Upright Rows Sets 16-20 (29:00 – 34:00) – 3-5/side Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmill For each of your 4 movements, start with a moderate load and quickly build through the 5 sets as deemed fit. Be mindful rest will be short so you won’t be working very heavy, more looking to…

Move: Tuesday, July 7th, 2020

WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 9:00 – Every 1:00 x 9 sets: Station 1 – 10 Band Pull-Aparts w/Pause + 10 Banded Upright Rows w/Pause Station 2 – 5-10 Wall Therapy Squats Station 3 – (3x) Snatch High Pull + Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat Warm-up and movement prep. Focus on good activation and positions. 1b) 14:00 – 34:00 – Every 1:00 x 20 sets: Sets 1-5 (14:00 – 19:00) – 10 Pause PVC Lat Press Downs + 10 Plank Pause Shoulder Taps Sets 6-10 (19:00 – 24:00) – 10-20 Pause Seated PVC Banded Rows Sets 10-15 (24:00 – 29:00) – 5-8/side Bird Dog Single Arm Bench Row Sets 16-20 (29:00 – 34:00) – 10-15 Pause Lat Pull Overs (Dumbbell, Kettlebell, or Plate) We are looking for maintainable output on today’s strength/muscular endurance piece. You are performing each movement 5 sets in a row. Perform a…

Sport: Tuesday, July 7th, 2020

WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 9:00 – Every 1:00 x 9 sets: Station 1 – 10 Band Pull-Aparts w/Pause + 10 Banded Upright Rows w/Pause Station 2 – 5-10 Wall Therapy Squats Station 3 – (3x) Snatch High Pull + Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat Warm-up and movement prep. Focus on good activation and positions. 1b) 14:00 – 34:00 – Every 1:00 x 20 sets: Sets 1-5 (14:00 – 19:00) – 1 Snatch High-Pull + 1 Muscle Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat Sets 6-10 (19:00 – 24:00) – 1 Power Snatch + 1 Low Hang Snatch w/Pause in Catch Sets 11-20 (24:00 – 34:00) – 3-5 Strict Pull-ups + 1 Squat Snatch Use the first 5 sets to continue getting warm and getting good positions ingrained. Build loading into the second complex, hold the bottom of the catch for 2-3 seconds on the Low Hang Snatch….

Competition: Tuesday, July 7th, 2020

WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 9:00 – Every 1:00 x 9 sets: Station 1 – 10 Band Pull-Aparts w/Pause + 10 Banded Upright Rows w/Pause Station 2 – 5-10 Wall Therapy Squats Station 3 – (3x) Snatch High Pull + Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat Warm-up and movement prep. Focus on good activation and positions. 1b) 14:00 – 34:00 – Every 1:00 x 20 sets: Sets 1-5 (14:00 – 19:00) – 1 Snatch High-Pull + 1 Muscle Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat Sets 6-10 (19:00 – 24:00) – 1 Power Snatch + 1 Low Hang Snatch w/Pause in Catch Sets 11-20 (24:00 – 34:00) – 3-5 Strict Pull-ups + 1 Squat Snatch Use the first 5 sets to continue getting warm and getting good positions ingrained. Build loading into the second complex, hold the bottom of the catch for 2-3 seconds on the Low Hang Snatch….

Competition: Monday, July 6th, 2020

WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 5:00 – 5 minute AMRAP: 50 Single-unders 5/side Low Samson + Reach Overhead 10 Air Squats With Small Plate Out Front Take your time and get positions properly opened up. Use the plate drill to really secure a beautiful air squat position, this is especially helpful for those of you lacking mobility. 1b) 10:00 – 30:00 – Every 2:00 x 10 sets: Sets 1-5 (10:00 – 20:00) – 3 Pause Front Squat (Above Parallel Pause on Ascent) Sets 6-10 (20:00 – 30:00) – 10 Alternating Back Rack Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges Start around 50-60% of your 1RM and build through each set as deemed fit for the Front Squats. These are done as normal tempo into the bottom and out of the bottom, with a 2-3 second hold just above parallel as you start to stand up. For the Back…