Author: Jade

Competition: Friday, June 26th, 2020

*CVCF Class & Schedule Update HERE WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 8:00 – Every 1:00 x 8 sets: Odd – 10 Pause Deadbugs w/Plate Overhead Even – 2 Clean Deadlifts + 2 High-Hang Power Cleans + 2 Low Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Split Jerks Use this to get the blood flowing and muscles firing. If you’re brand new to Oly lifting grab a PVC pipe, if you’re more comfortable grab a Barbell. 1b) 13:00 – 28:00 – Every 1:00 x 15 sets: Sets 1-5 – 2 High-Hang Power Clean + 1 Pause Thruster Sets 6-10 – 1 Low Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk Sets 11-15 – 1 Clean and Jerk Warm-up as needed. Start with around 50-60% of your 1RM C+J. Use the first 5 sets as positional work. Build loading to a heavy lift for the day through the last 10 sets….

Sport: Friday, June 26th, 2020

*CVCF Class & Schedule Update HERE WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 8:00 – Every 1:00 x 8 sets: Odd – 10 Pause Deadbugs w/Plate Overhead Even – 2 Clean Deadlifts + 2 High-Hang Power Cleans + 2 Low Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Split Jerks Use this to get the blood flowing and muscles firing. If you’re brand new to Oly lifting grab a PVC pipe, if you’re more comfortable grab a Barbell. 1b) 13:00 – 28:00 – Every 1:00 x 15 sets: Sets 1-5 – 2 High-Hang Power Clean + 1 Pause Thruster Sets 6-10 – 1 Low Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk Sets 11-15 – 1 Clean and Jerk Warm-up as needed. Start with around 50-60% of your 1RM C+J. Use the first 5 sets as positional work. Build loading to a heavy lift for the day through the last 10 sets….

Power: Friday, June 26th, 2020

*CVCF Class & Schedule Update HERE WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 8:00 – Every 1:00 x 8 sets: Odd – 10 Pause Deadbugs w/Plate Overhead Even – 2 Clean Deadlifts + 2 High-Hang Power Cleans + 2 Low Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Split Jerks Use this to get the blood flowing and muscles firing. If you’re brand new to Oly lifting grab a PVC pipe, if you’re more comfortable grab a Barbell. 1b) 13:00 – 28:00 – Every 3:00 x 5 sets: 10 Double Overhand Deadlifts + 15 Slider Hamstring Curls + 20 Single Arm Russian Kettlebell Swings Warm-up as needed. Start with around 50-60% of your 1RM Deadlift. Perform the Deadlifts as Touch-and-Go today. For the Swings perform 10 reps on 1 arm, and then switch to the other arm for 10 reps. Perform this as a superset performing movements back-to-back-to-back. 1c) 33:00 – 45:00…

Move: Friday, June 26th, 2020

*CVCF Class & Schedule Update HERE WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 8:00 – Every 1:00 x 8 sets: Odd – 10 Pause Deadbugs w/Plate Overhead Even – 2 Clean Deadlifts + 2 High-Hang Power Cleans + 2 Low Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Split Jerks Use this to get the blood flowing and muscles firing. If you’re brand new to Oly lifting grab a PVC pipe, if you’re more comfortable grab a Barbell. 1b) 13:00 – 28:00 – Every 3:00 x 5 sets: 20 Box Elevated Glute Bridge-up w/Mini Band Around Knees + 20 Ball Slams + 10/side Banded Anti-Rotations Perform this as a superset, performing movements back-to-back-to-back with minimal rest. For the Glute Bride-up, place your feet on the box. 1c) 33:00 – 45:00 – 12 minute AMRAP: 20 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Power Snatch 25/15 20 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 25/15 50 Heavy Rope Single-unders For…

Move/Power/Sport: Thursday, January 25th, 2020

*CVCF Class & Schedule Update HERE WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – 10 minute AMRAP: 20 Banded Face Pulls 20 Alternating Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (Bodyweight Only) 2 minutes Machine (:20 Easy, :20 Moderate, :20 Hard, x 2 cycles) Get some blood flowing and get your body warmed-up. As always, for those of you who come to the gym 5-6 days/week use this as a restorative session, don’t crush yourself, work at easy to moderate paces. For those who are only here 2-4 days/week then approach with appropriate intensity as deemed fit. 1b) 12:00 – 24:00 – Machine – Every 1:00 x 12 sets: Sets 1-4 – 12/8 Calories @ Easy Pace Sets 5-8 – 15/10 Calories @ Moderate Pace Sets 9-12 – 20/15 Calories @ Hard Pace Adjust calories as needed based on your capacity, but be consistent with your output across each of…