Author: Jade

A Few Quick Updates

It’s been great to see a bunch of you coming in to train the last few days. Thank you for making the transition as smooth as possible, everybody seems to be getting the swing of things quite quickly and everything is falling into place. As we’ve stated before we want to make the place as normal as we can, so we will be keeping a close eye on guidelines and restrictions, and working to accommodate more time/space for athletes as we can in the coming weeks and months. Classes Start Tomorrow While we have been running classes all week, our official classes will start tomorrow. What this means for those who’ve been coming this week, expect things to be a bit tighter time-wise and things will move a little more swiftly. For those who didn’t get a chance to come in and train…

Power: Friday, June 5th, 2020

*We’re Opening…HERE’s the Deets **Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***To coincide with our new programming structure, you will find programming going forward under Move, Power, Sport, and Competition. For the next 3 days we will be posting just an EMOTM for people to do as a group in class, or feel free to do your own thing. Full programming and class structure will go into affect on Saturday. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 6:00 – Deadlift: 3 Reps Every 2:00 x 3 @ 80-90% of 1RM Make an appropriate jump on your loading based on how your sets felt through the last cycle. Set the bar Dead each rep. 1b) 6:00 – 14:00 – Single Leg Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift: 6-8 reps/side 2:00 x 4 sets Perform all reps on 1 side before switching to the other side. Focus on positioning over load. 1c) 14:00 – 20:00 –…

Sport: Friday, June 5th, 2020

*We’re Opening…HERE’s the Deets **Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***To coincide with our new programming structure, you will find programming going forward under Move, Power, Sport, and Competition. For the next 3 days we will be posting just an EMOTM for people to do as a group in class, or feel free to do your own thing. Full programming and class structure will go into affect on Saturday. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – Machine or Run – 5 sets of: 30 seconds Easy 30 seconds Hard 60 seconds Moderate Work for maintainable paces at each respective pace/effort. 1b) 11:00 – 21:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 3 Pause Front Squats Make sure to spend the 15-20 minute window before we initiate this sequence warming up your Pause Front Squat to a moderate starting loading. 50-60% is a good starting place to come of…

Competition: Friday, June 5th, 2020

*We’re Opening…HERE’s the Deets **Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***To coincide with our new programming structure, you will find programming going forward under Move, Power, Sport, and Competition. For the next 3 days we will be posting just an EMOTM for people to do as a group in class, or feel free to do your own thing. Full programming and class structure will go into affect on Saturday. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – Machine or Run – 5 sets of: 30 seconds Easy 30 seconds Hard 60 seconds Moderate Work for maintainable paces at each respective pace/effort. 1b) 11:00 – 21:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 3 Pause Front Squats Make sure to spend the 15-20 minute window before we initiate this sequence warming up your Pause Front Squat to a moderate starting loading. 50-60% is a good starting place to come of…

Move: Friday, June 5th, 2020

*We’re Opening…HERE’s the Deets **Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***To coincide with our new programming structure, you will find programming going forward under Move, Power, Sport, and Competition. For the next 3 days we will be posting just an EMOTM for people to do as a group in class, or feel free to do your own thing. Full programming and class structure will go into affect on Saturday. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – Machine or Run – 5 sets of: 30 seconds Easy 30 seconds Hard 60 seconds Moderate Work for maintainable paces at each respective pace/effort. 1b) 11:00 – 21:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 10 Dumbbell Pause Front Squats Warm-up your hips appropriately in your warm-up time before this piece starts. Hold the bottom of the Squat for 2-3 seconds each rep. 1c) 22:00 – 30:00 – 8 minute AMRAP: 15 Kettlebell…