Author: Jade

We’re Opening…Here’s the Deets!

Alright here we go guys, hoping this covers everything. Equipment First up equipment. We are still missing a TON of equipment, we really hoped that it wouldn’t come down to the end of the line, but we’re still missing large amounts of equipment from a number of people, while a few have reached out to address scheduling issues, we have not heard from most of you still holding equipment. This has been a stressful enough time for us, PLEASE bring gear back tomorrow as close to 9:00 AM as possible so that we can have as much time to organize and setup. Next, we will have equipment to lend back out, and because of our close ties with Rogue, after reaching out to them, they are going to work to get us additional gear needed to send back out to people who need…

Power: Monday, June 1st, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/29/20 – WE’RE OPENING **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ****There will be no Move Programming today, sub accordingly based on gear in the Sport programming WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 6:00 – Back Squat: 3 Reps Every 2:00 x 3 @ 80-90% of 1RM Make an appropriate jump on your loading based on how your sets felt through the last cycle. 1b) 6:00 – 14:00 – Close Stance Front Squat: 10 Reps Every 2:00 x 4 sets Perform this with you feet completely straight and as close together as possible while maintaining good lumbar position. Load as deemed fit. 1c) 14:00 – 20:00 – Plyo Bulgarian Split Squats: 5/side Every 2:00 x 3 sets This should be done with no loading, or light Dumbbells. Extended out of the Split Squat and explode off the forward leg into…

Burn: Monday, June 1st, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/29/20 – WE’RE OPENING **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ****There will be no Move Programming today, sub accordingly based on gear in the Sport programming WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 2 minutes Child’s Pose 1-2 minutes/side Pigeon Stretch Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 20 Bodyweight Romanian Deadlifts 10 Air Squats 5 Inchworms Spend additional time warming up as needed. 2) Met-con – 1-2 rounds of – 7 minute Up Ladder: 3 Jumping Air Squats 3 Burpees Workout rep scheme progresses in the following order 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on. If you do two rounds of this, rest 3 minutes between rounds. 3) Accessory – 16 sets of :20 ON/:10 OFF: Sets 1-8 – Sit-ups Sets 9-16 – Hollow Rocks Work for consistent reps. Don’t max…

Sport: Monday, June 1st, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/29/20 – WE’RE OPENING **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ****There will be no Move Programming today, sub accordingly based on gear in the Sport programming WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 2 minutes Child’s Pose 1-2 minutes/side Pigeon Stretch Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 20 Bodyweight Romanian Deadlifts 10 Air Squats 5 Inchworms Spend additional time warming up as needed. 2) Strength/Volume Work – Every 4:00 x 5 sets: 5 Pause Front Squats 50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge 5 Pause Back Squats 50ft Back Rack Walking Lunge This is performed as a complex. If you don’t have space to do walking lunges, then perform 16 alternating lunges in place. 2) Met-con – 10 sets of 2:00 ON/1:00 OFF: 200m Run Max Burpee Over “X” Burpees can be Bar Facing,…

Power Hour: Saturday, May 30th, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/29/20 – WE’RE OPENING **Zoom 9:00 AM Power Hour HERE (Password is CVCF) WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 8:00 – Every 1:00 x 8 sets: Odd – “X” seconds Cals Cardio, Run, Tuck Jumps, High Knees  Even – “X” Step Overs “X” Reps Reps will be announced upon the start of the piece. 1b) 10:00 – 18:00 – 8 Minute AMRAP  “X” Front Rack Lunges 95/65 or Dumbbells “X” V-ups  “X” Floor Press 95/65 or Dumbbells Reps will be announced upon the start of the piece. 1c) 20:00 – 28:00 – Every 1:00 x 8 sets: Odd- “X” Deadlift, “X” Hang Power Clean, “X” STOH 95/65 (Dumbbells or Kettlebell, Single or Double Arm) Even – “X” Double Unders/”X” Single Unders + “X” Air Squats  Reps will be announced upon the start of the piece. 1d) 30:00 – 38:00 – 8…