Author: Jade

Sport: Tuesday, May 19th, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/18/20 – HERE **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 2 minutes Pancake Stretch 2 minutes Child’s Pose Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as deemed fit. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 5 Inchworms 15 Good Mornings 30 second Handstand Hold or Stink Bug Hold For quality, not for time. Spend additional time warming-up as deemed fit. 2a) Strength/Volume Work – Every 2:00 x 3-5 sets: 2 Snatch Hang High Pulls + 2 Hang Squat Snatch + 2 Snatch Balances Use this as warm-up and positional work. Work light and keep things snappy and get your positions dialed. 2b) Strength/Volume Work – 5 sets of: 1.1 Snatch Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. All reps full Squat. Establish a Heavy Double with a drop and reset between reps for the day. 3) Met-con –…

CVCF Gym Update – 5/18/20

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is looking forward to what looks to be a beautiful week. Summer finally showed up! As we roll through May and are already eyeing the start of June, I know like many of you ,we are really starting to get antsy about our situation at hand and what the future holds. Unfortunately once again we don’t really have any information for you. Our Governor and State continue to be very closed off and secretive in terms of laying out any sort of long term plan and they continue to roll with incremental and small announcements at press conferences a couple of times a week. As of this last Friday the broad range of Fitness oriented businesses in Vermont still have no timeline, no proposed guidelines, nothing. In the Governor’s press conference this past Friday a…

Sport: Monday, May 18th, 2020

*7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) **Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes/side Low Dynamic Samson Stretch 1-2 minutes L-Sit On Wall (Low Back) Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 1 minute Machine/Run/Skip Rope 10 Alternating Step-ups 20 second Active Bottom of Squat Hold For quality, not for time. Spend additional time warming up as needed. 2) Strength/Volume Work – 4 sets of: 10 Back Squats Warm-up as needed. Start your first set around 60-70% of your 1RM. Build to a heavy set for the day. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. 3) Gymnastics – 5 sets of: 5-10 “Pull” Reps Work with whatever you have at home. This could be anything from a Towel Row off a Door, Bent Over Barbell Row, Pull-up, Muscle-up, whatever you have access to. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets….

Burn: Monday, May 18th, 2020

*7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) **Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes/side Low Dynamic Samson Stretch 1-2 minutes L-Sit On Wall (Low Back) Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 1 minute Machine/Run/Skip Rope 10 Alternating Step-ups 20 second Active Bottom of Squat Hold For quality, not for time. Spend additional time warming up as needed. 2) Strength/Volume Work – Every 1:00 x 12 sets: Station 1 – 20 Forward Lunges Station 2 – 20 Lateral Lunges Station 3 – 20 Curtsy Lunges Station 4 – :20 Second Bottom of Lunge Hold Right, Left Rotate through the four stations for 3 cycles through. Focus on range of motion over reps first and foremost. If you’re limited in range of motion bring the reps down and focus on that first. If these are great…

Move: Monday, May 18th, 2020

*7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) **Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes/side Low Dynamic Samson Stretch 1-2 minutes L-Sit On Wall (Low Back) Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 1 minute Machine/Run/Skip Rope 10 Alternating Step-ups 20 second Active Bottom of Squat Hold For quality, not for time. Spend additional time warming up as needed. 2) Strength/Volume Work – 5 sets of: 3 Dumbbell Pause Front Squats 3 1 + 1/4 Dumbbell Front Squats 3 Front Squats Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Adjust reps up as needed based on Dumbbell loading you have. For the Pause Squats hold the bottom position for 2-3 seconds each rep. 3) Gymnastics – 5 sets of: 5-10 “Pull” Reps Work with whatever you have at home. This could be anything from a Towel Row off a Door,…