Author: Jade

Power: Monday, May 18th, 2020

*7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) **Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 17:30 – Every 2:30 x 7 sets: 5 Back Squats @ 70-80% Same weight as last week. Adjust loading slightly up or down based on difficulty of last weeks sets. We’ll be hitting 7 sets next week and then 9 sets again the following week so be mindful of that. 1b) 17:30 – 25:30 – Every 2:00 x 4 sets: 20 Alternating Front Rack Box Step-ups Load as deemed fit, these will be a little lighter given the reps and time domain. Focus on pushing off as little as possible with the rear leg, and really work to keep a good Front Rack position to work your Front Rack endurance, even if you don’t truly need it to support the load you have. Ideally setup the box so your…

Sport: Saturday, May 16th, 2020

*Power Hour Link HERE (Password CVCF) **CVCF Gym Update – 5/10/20 – HERE WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes/side Pigeon Stretch 5/side Lateral Lunge w/20 second Hold in Bottom Spend additional time mobilizing/stretching as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 3 rounds for Quality: 20 Alternating Lunges 30 seconds/side Side Plank Hold 1 minute Machine/Run For quality, not for time, perform at a pace that gets your heart rate up a little and warm. 2) Met-con – “Power Hour” – Every 1:00 x 60 sets: 1 – 10-15 Push Press 2 – 20-30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 3 – 10-16 Front Rack Reverse Lunges 4 – 10-20 Hang Power Cleans 5 – 30-50 Double-unders or 75-100 Single-unders 6 – 40 seconds Plank Up Downs 7 – 6-12 Burpees 8 – 20-30 Hollow Rocks The actual ordering of this workout will be announced live as we…

Burn: Saturday, May 16th, 2020

*Power Hour Link HERE (Password CVCF) **CVCF Gym Update – 5/10/20 – HERE WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes/side Pigeon Stretch 5/side Lateral Lunge w/20 second Hold in Bottom Spend additional time mobilizing/stretching as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 3 rounds for Quality: 20 Alternating Lunges 30 seconds/side Side Plank Hold 1 minute Machine/Run For quality, not for time, perform at a pace that gets your heart rate up a little and warm. 2) Met-con – “Power Hour” – Every 1:00 x 60 sets: 1 – :10 Hard/:10 Easy/:10 Hard/:10 Easy Machine 2 – 20-30 Banded Pull-Throughs 3 – 10-16 Slider Reverse Lunges 4 – 10-20 Stair Jumps 5 – 30-50 Double-unders or 75-100 Single-unders 6 – 40 seconds Plank Up Downs 7 – 6-12 Burpees 8 – 20-30 Hollow Rocks The actual ordering of this workout will be announced live as we…

Move: Saturday, May 16th, 2020

*Power Hour Link HERE (Password CVCF) **CVCF Gym Update – 5/10/20 – HERE WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes/side Pigeon Stretch 5/side Lateral Lunge w/20 second Hold in Bottom Spend additional time mobilizing/stretching as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 3 rounds for Quality: 20 Alternating Lunges 30 seconds/side Side Plank Hold 1 minute Machine/Run For quality, not for time, perform at a pace that gets your heart rate up a little and warm. 2) Met-con – “Power Hour” – Every 1:00 x 60 sets: 1 – 6-10/side Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press 2 – 10-20 Double Dumbbell Russian Swings 3 – 10-16 Double Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges 4 – 10-20 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans 5 – 30-50 Double-unders or 75-100 Single-unders 6 – 40 seconds Plank Up Downs 7 – 6-12 Burpees 8 – 20-30 Hollow Rocks The actual ordering of this…

Power: Friday, May 15th, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/10/20 – HERE **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 12:30 – Every 2:30 x 5 sets: 5 Deadlifts @ 70-80% Same weight as last week. Adjust loading slightly up or down based on difficulty of last weeks sets. We’ll be hitting 7 sets next week and then 9 sets again the following week so be mindful of that. Set the bar Dead on the floor each rep. 1b) 12:30 – 20:30 – Every 2:00 x 4 sets: 10/side Single Leg Romanian Deadlift Perform with whatever you have access to, Dumbbell/Kettlebell/Barbell/Band, etc. Perform all 10 reps on 1 side before switching to the other. 1c) 21:30 – 25:30 – 4 minute AMRAP:  10 Single Arm Russian Swings Right 10 Single Arm Russian Swings Left AMRAP for 4 minutes alternating hands back and…