Author: Jade

Burn: Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/10/20 – HERE **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes/side Foam Roller/Lax Ball/Household Item Pec Smash 1-2 minutes/side Lat Stretch Against Wall Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 10 Arm Twists 5/side Worlds Greatest Stretch 10 Tempo Good Mornings For quality, not for time. Spend additional time actively warming up as needed. 2) Strength/Volume Work – Every 1:00 x 18 sets: Minutes 1-6 – 10 Band Pull-Aparts + 10 Glute Bridge-ups Minutes 7-12 – 5-8 Candle Sticks Minutes 13-18 – 10-20 Hand Release Push-ups Part 1 Activation/PT work, take your time and make sure you are feeling solid positions and contractions. Part 2 is some skill/gymnastics work, have fun with it. Part 3, pick a rep range you can perform unbroken, whether from…

Sport: Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/10/20 – HERE **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes/side Foam Roller/Lax Ball/Household Item Pec Smash 1-2 minutes/side Lat Stretch Against Wall Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 10 Arm Twists 5/side Worlds Greatest Stretch 10 Tempo Good Mornings For quality, not for time. Spend additional time actively warming up as needed. 2a) Strength/Volume Work – 4 sets of: 3/side Split Snatch Behind the Neck Strict Press Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Perform in your Jerk grip. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 2b) Strength/Volume Work – 4 sets of: 3 Halting Push Jerk w/Pause in Catch + Negative Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Hold the bottom of the Dip for 2-3 seconds, hold the catch position for 1-2 second, finish the rep…

Power: Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/10/20 – HERE **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 12:30 – Every 2:30 x 5 sets: 5 Bench Press @ 70-80% Same weight as last week. Adjust loading slightly up or down based on difficulty of last weeks sets. We’ll be hitting 7 sets next week and then 9 sets again the following week so be mindful of that. 1b) 12:30 – 21:30 – Every 1:30 x 6 sets: 5-10 Wide Grip Strict Pull-ups If you don’t have the upper body strength to do 5 of these Strict with your bodyweight, assist as needed. If you can hit 10 unbroken every round then add loading appropriately. 1c) 21:30 – 25:30 – 4 minute AMRAP:  Renegade Rows Each repetition is a Push-up on the Dumbbells and a row on each arm. Max…

Sport: Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/10/20 – HERE **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes Pancake Stretch 1-2 minutes Table Top Hold Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 3 Inchworm + 5 Scapula Push-ups 30 seconds/side Bird Dog Hold For quality, not for time. Spend additional time actively warming up as needed. 2a) Strength/Volume Work – 3-5 sets of: 3x Tempo Muscle Snatch + Snatch Push Press Warm-up as needed. Start around 50-60% of your 1RM. This is 3 cycles of Tempo Muscle Snatch + Snatch Push Press. Reset on the floor for each Muscle Snatch. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. 2b) Strength/Volume Work – Every 1:30 x 5 sets: 1 Snatch Pull With Pause At Top + 1 Low Hang Power Snatch + 1 Low Hang Snatch…

Move: Tuesday, May 11th, 2020

*CVCF Gym Update – 5/10/20 – HERE **7:00 AM Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) ***Noon Zoom HERE (Password CVCF) WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 1-2 minutes Pancake Stretch 1-2 minutes Table Top Hold Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 3 Inchworm + 5 Scapula Push-ups 30 seconds/side Bird Dog Hold For quality, not for time. Spend additional time actively warming up as needed. 2) Strength/Volume Work – 12 sets of :30 ON/:30 OFF: Station 1 – Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch Station 2 – Plank Hold w/Alternating Dumbbell Pass Through Station 3 – Air Squats Station 4 – Burpees Double conditioning session today. Hit these intervals hard. 3) Gymnastics – AQAP: 100 L-Sit March on Dumbbells 50 Handstand Push-ups (Strict, Kipping, Stink Bug) Scale movements as needed. Ideally for the Pressing movement we are looking for some sort of vertical pressing….