Author: Jade

Power: Friday, April 24th, 2020

*New Softgoods Order Shipped Direct to you HERE (First wave of orders will be placed the morning of Monday the 20th) WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 21:00 – Deadlift – Every 3:00 x 7 sets: 7 Reps @ 60-70% Use the same loading as last week, adjust slightly as needed if you over or underestimated your abilities. Loading should be moderately difficult. Set the bar Dead on each rep. 1b) 21:00 – 27:00 – 6 minute AMRAP for Quality: 10 Supinated Bent Over Barbell Rows 10 Good Mornings 10 Alternating Reverse Lunges Pick a loading that you can use for all 3 movements. Goal is to not put the bar down for the entire 6 minutes. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE Warm-up Burn Move Sport Sport Barbell Cycling  

Power: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

*New Softgoods Order Shipped Direct to you HERE (First wave of orders will be placed the morning of Monday the 20th) **Zoom Link for Toady’s “EMOTM OF THE DAY” at Noon HERE Password is CVCF WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 21:00 – Bench Press – Every 3:00 x 7 sets: 7 Reps @ 60-70% Use the same loading as last week, adjust slightly as needed if you over or underestimated your abilities. Loading should be moderately difficult.  1b) 21:00 – 27:00 – 6 minute AMRAP for Quality: 10 Close Grip Upright Rows 45/35 5 Bicep Curls 45/35 10 Strict Press 45/35 5 Overhead Tricep Curls 45/35 Perform this with a barbell. Goal is that the barbell doesn’t get placed on the floor ever. Work at a moderate pace, hitting good positions, range of motion, and activation on all movements. For results post detailed weights, reps,…

Sport: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

*New Softgoods Order Shipped Direct to you HERE (First wave of orders will be placed the morning of Monday the 20th) **Zoom Link for Toady’s “EMOTM OF THE DAY” at Noon HERE Password is CVCF WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 2 minutes/side Pec Mobility Lax Ball/Foam Roller/Household Item 2 minutes/side Glute Mobility Lax Ball/Foam Roller/Household Item Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 10 Scapula Push Ups 5 Per Side Hip Cars 10 Shoulder Plank Taps 10 Cat/Cow For quality, not fro time. 2a) Strength/Volume Work – Tall Jerk: 5 sets of 3 Warm-up as needed. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets. Keep it light and snappy. 2b) Strength/Volume Work – 5 sets of: 2 Tempo (3-0-0) Front Squat + 2 Split Jerk w/Hold in Catch Rest 2 minutes between sets. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 3) Met-con – AQAP:…

Move: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

*New Softgoods Order Shipped Direct to you HERE (First wave of orders will be placed the morning of Monday the 20th) **Zoom Link for Toady’s “EMOTM OF THE DAY” at Noon HERE Password is CVCF WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 2 minutes/side Pec Mobility Lax Ball/Foam Roller/Household Item 2 minutes/side Glute Mobility Lax Ball/Foam Roller/Household Item Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 10 Scapula Push Ups 5 Per Side Hip Cars 10 Shoulder Plank Taps 10 Cat/Cow For quality, not fro time. 2) Strength/Volume Work – Every 2:00 x 10 sets: 10 Medball Chest Toss 10 Box/Bench Jump Overs 10 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Swing Scale reps up or down as needed based on the loading/items you have to work with. 3) Met-con – AQAP: 6-5-4-3-2 minutes Run/Bike/Row/Ski 50-40-30-20-10 Abmat Sit-ups 25-20-15-10-5 Push-ups Scale as needed. 4) Accessory – 3 rounds…

Burn: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

*New Softgoods Order Shipped Direct to you HERE (First wave of orders will be placed the morning of Monday the 20th) **Zoom Link for Toady’s “EMOTM OF THE DAY” at Noon HERE Password is CVCF WOD: 1a) Warm-up – Passive: 2 minutes/side Pec Mobility Lax Ball/Foam Roller/Household Item 2 minutes/side Glute Mobility Lax Ball/Foam Roller/Household Item Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed. 1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of: 10 Scapula Push Ups 5 Per Side Hip Cars 10 Shoulder Plank Taps 10 Cat/Cow For quality, not fro time. 2) Strength/Volume Work – Every 2:00 x 10 sets: 10 Banded Rows 10 Household Item Jump Overs 10 Household Item Russian Swings Scale reps up or down as needed based on the loading/items you have to work with. 3) Met-con – AQAP: 6-5-4-3-2 minutes Run/Bike/Row/Ski 50-40-30-20-10 Abmat Sit-ups 25-20-15-10-5 Push-ups Scale as needed. 4) Accessory – 3 rounds…