Author: Jade

Competition: Saturday, February 29th, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE WOD: 1) Ring Complex – 5 sets for Quality: 2 Strict Ring Pull-ups 2 Strict Muscle-ups + 2 Strict Ring Dips Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. As stated this should be done as an unbroken complex. Use assistance as needed. 2) 7 sets of: 2 Pause Jerk Dips + 1 Split Jerk Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Start around 60% of your 1RM and build to a heavy set for the day. 3) 5 rounds AQAP: 10 Double Dumbbell Squat Snatch 35/25 75 Double-unders Scale as needed. Stimulus for this should be both movements unbroken for most or all sets. This should be a high tempo conditioning piece. Snatches are one head of the Dumbbell to the Floor for ROM standard. If you don’t have this movement then scale to just the Overhead…

Power: Saturday, February 29th, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE WOD: 1) Every 8:00 x 5 sets: A – 20 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts 35/25 B – 50 Double-unders C – 20 Dumbbell Front Squats 35/25 D – 20 Dumbbell Push Press 35/25 E – 30/20 Calories Ski/Bike/Row/Run Scale movements and load as needed. Structure of this workout is that each set you rotate to the next movement to start at. So set 1 is as written, set 2 would then go B, C, D, E, A, set 3 would be C, D, E, A, B and so on. Movements do not have rest between them they are straight through. Desired stimulus is that the first round should be taking around 5-6 minutes. Knowing most athletes tend to slow as they fatigue a little, knowing that movement order can also make each…

Move: Saturday, February 29th, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE WOD: 1) Every 8:00 x 5 sets: A – 20 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts 25/15 B – 100 Heavy Rope Single-unders C – 20 Dumbbell Front Squats 25/15 D – 20 Dumbbell Push Press 25/15 E – 30/20 Calories Ski/Bike/Row/Run Scale movements and load as needed. Structure of this workout is that each set you rotate to the next movement to start at. So set 1 is as written, set 2 would then go B, C, D, E, A, set 3 would be C, D, E, A, B and so on. Movements do not have rest between them they are straight through. Desired stimulus is that the first round should be taking around 5-6 minutes. Knowing most athletes tend to slow as they fatigue a little, knowing that movement order can also…

Sport: Saturday, February 29th, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE WOD: 1) Every 8:00 x 5 sets: A – 20 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts 50/35 B – 75 Double-unders C – 20 Dumbbell Front Squats 50/35 D – 20 Dumbbell Push Press 50/35 E – 30/20 Calories Ski/Bike/Row/Run Scale movements and load as needed. Structure of this workout is that each set you rotate to the next movement to start at. So set 1 is as written, set 2 would then go B, C, D, E, A, set 3 would be C, D, E, A, B and so on. Movements do not have rest between them they are straight through. Desired stimulus is that the first round should be taking around 5-6 minutes. Knowing most athletes tend to slow as they fatigue a little, knowing that movement order can also make each…

Power: Friday, February 28th, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 15:00 – Every 3:00 x 5 sets – Deadlift: 5 @ 70% 5 @ 80% 3 @ 85% 2 @ 90% 1 @ 100% Warm-up as needed. Make sure you are using percentages of what we tested last week, not some goal you want down the road. Adjust your 1RM down by 5-10% if your finding you are routinely missing sets. If you’re feeling great, feel free to go above 100%, or even go for an additional single, sometimes you have to take it when you can get it. 1b) 15:00 – 21:00 – Every 1:00 x 6 sets: 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings Moderate load, use this to focus on your positioning, and really making sure you are hinging properly and loading your Hamstrings and keeping your Spinal…