Author: Jade

Competition: Friday, February 21st, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE WZA Mock Competition: *We will be posting the workouts for Rx’d athletes. Go to the WZA website if you know you would be competing in a different division and pick the appropriate division you would actually be capable of qualifying for and perform the workouts scaled for that respective division. We will update and post additional workouts as soon as they are released. Ideally you should perform this as a Mock Competition, meaning taking 2-4 hours between each workout. Learn how to warm-up, ideally wait as if you’re waiting for the next heat (most competitions you’ll usually find you have to warm-up and then stand around and wait for 10-20 minutes), then cool down appropriately and repeat the process a couple of hours later. 1) “Pump Sesh Triplet – 3 rounds…

Competition: Thursday, February 20th, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE WZA Prep/Blood Flow: 1) 30 minute AMRAP @ Conversational Pace: 2 minute Bike Erg 5 Inchworm 2 minute Row 1 Round Strict Cindy 50 Single-unders Get a little breathing and blood flow. 2) Back Squat: 3 sets of 3 @ 60-70% Load based off of feel. Keep weights at loading that feel moderate in load. 3) Mobility: 60 minutes Final prep and mobility before competition/mock competition. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Concept Cardio: Thursday, February 20th, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE Concept Cardio Programming Will Only Be Posted In the Gym Active Recovery: The goal should be as much as possible of the following below. Thanks to CrossFit Invictus for posting this. A. Aerobic Restoration 25-40 minutes of one of the following performed at 60-70% effort – easy, restorative pace: * Swim (this is my first choice, and if you have an ocean, even better) * Row (focus on mechanics, smooth and efficient with a very low stroke per minute pace) * AirDyne (keep the pace conversational and relaxed) * Cycling (get outdoors and enjoy the scenery as you ride) * Hike (nothing crazy here, find a nice easy slope and go for a walk outdoors) NOTE ABOUT ACTIVE RECOVERY – The activity selected must be restorative for you. It can also…

Competition: Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE WOD: 1) Every 1:00 x 12 sets: Station 1 – 5 Dumbbell Bench Press 70/50 Station 2 – 150m Run Station 3 – 5 Dumbbell Thrusters 70/50 Station 4 – 2 Weighted Ring Muscle-ups Scale as needed. Output should not be crushing, if you’re not competing at Wodapalooza we will programming all the workouts to the best of our abilities as a mock competition weekend. 2) Every 1:00 x 10 sets: 1 Power Clean + Push Jerk @ 60-70% Moderate load. Keep things fast and snappy. 3) 2 rounds of: 3 minute Sled Drag 2 minutes Ski Erg 1 minute Walking Lunges Performed at a conversational pace, Zone 2/3. 4) Kipping Paralette Handstand Push-ups: 10 minutes Spend this time working on the skill. Keep the volume of reps low. 5) Mobility: 60 minutes Get…

Sport: Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

*Lift Heavy Often As In Everyday Seminar with Elijah “EZ” Muhammad Sign-up HERE WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 5:00 – Every 1:00 x 5 sets: 5-10/side Alternating Hanging Hip Taps Hanging from the Pull-up Bar take one hand off, reach and touch your hip, then alternate to the other hand. If this is too difficult, but the drill on the ring is too easy, you can start by just hanging and taking your hands on and off the bar a couple of inches alternating back and forth for 20-30 seconds. 1b) 5:00 – 10:00 – Every 1:00 x 5 sets: 5/side Standing Landmine Press Load as deemed fit. Use this to get your shoulders warm for the Jerks. 1c) 10:00 – 25:00 – Every 1:00 x 5 sets: Station 1 – 5-10 Stink Bug or Strict Handstand Push-up Station 2 – 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split…