Author: Jade

The State of CVCF Address 2020

I hope this e-mail finds you all well, and enjoying a peaceful relaxing day. Before diving into this I just want to make a couple of quick notes. First, I’m not a grammatical expert, so apologies for any typos or grammar mistakes…I know we have at least a couple of English teachers in the gym so I’ve done my best without reading and re-reading this novel too many times. Second, Dani and I were recently discussing traits of our personalities, and we discussed when I get in my own head, and she referred to it as getting lost in a Corn Maze. So, below is days, months, years of thoughts, ideas, experiences, of which I’ve done my best to layout somewhat coherently and not get you all lost in my Corn Maze.      Hard to believe that we are already at the…

Competition: Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

*For December please be aware of the following schedule changes for the holidays. Tuesday December 31st there be will be no evening classes. Last class of the day will be Noon with the gym closing around 1:30 PM Wednesday, January 1st CVCF will be CLOSED WOD: Session A: 1) 2 sets of: 5/side Half Kneeling Landmine Muscle Snatch 3 Snatch Pull w/Pause at Top 3 Snatch Balance Not for time. For quality and warm-up. Load as deemed appropriate for warm-up/skill work. 2) Every 2:00 x 12 sets: A – 3 Snatches @ 60-70% B – 2 Snatches @ 70-80% C – 1 Snatch @ 80-90% D – 3-10 Ring Muscle-ups Work through this cycle 3 total rounds. Triples and Doubles on Snatches should be drop and reset. All Snatches are full Squat. Muscle-up quantity should be unbroken and consistent reps across all 3 sets…they should…

Sport: Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

*For December please be aware of the following schedule changes for the holidays. Tuesday December 31st there be will be no evening classes. Last class of the day will be Noon with the gym closing around 1:30 PM Wednesday, January 1st CVCF will be CLOSED WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 5:00 – Every 1:00 x 5 sets: 3 Tall Power Snatch + 3 Snatch Drops Use this as warm-up/skill work. Load appropriately…the majority of athletes should be working with an empty barbell. 1b) 5:00 – 10:00 – Every 1:00 x 5 sets: 2 Power Snatch Perform this as a drop and reset. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 1c) 11:00 – 16:00 – Every 1:00 x 5 sets: 3 Tall Cleans + 3 Tall Jerks This should be heavier than the Snatch Skill work, but still keep things light and focus on the skill and technique of…

Fitness: Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

*For December please be aware of the following schedule changes for the holidays. Tuesday December 31st there be will be no evening classes. Last class of the day will be Noon with the gym closing around 1:30 PM Wednesday, January 1st CVCF will be CLOSED WOD: 1) Every 2:00 x 10 sets: Odd – 1 minute Hard Ski or Row + 50ft Crab Walk Even – 1 minute Hard Ski or Row + 50-100ft Slider Plank Drag Work for hard, but maintainable efforts on the Ski/Row. Either pick a machine and stick with it, or partner with someone and flip-flop machines each round. 2) AQAP: 30-25-20-15-10-5 Box Jump Overs 24/20 5-10-15-20-25-30 Kettlebell Deadlifts 70/53 Scale as needed. Extra Work: 3) Ring-To-Chest Hold: 4 x 45 seconds Pick a position you can maintain the hold and good positioning through the entire body for the whole 45 seconds…

Competition: Monday, December 30th, 2019

*For December please be aware of the following schedule changes for the holidays. Tuesday December 31st there be will be no evening classes. Last class of the day will be Noon with the gym closing around 1:30 PM Wednesday, January 1st CVCF will be CLOSED WOD: Session A: 1) Back Squat: 5 sets of 10 Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Use the same exact loading you used last Monday. 2) Front Squat – Every 2:00 x 6 sets: 5-3-1-5-3-1 Use the same exact loading as last week or add 5-10lbs across the board depending on how difficult last weeks efforts were. 3) 4 rounds AQAP: 75 Double-unders 30 Pistol Squats Focus on being smooth and breathing through the movements. Scale as needed. 4) Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges: 6 x 50ft Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Establish a max unbroken loading for the day. Session B: 1) Row:…