Author: Jade

Move: Saturday, July 31st, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 9 of 12 Micro – Running Emphasis – Week 1 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up: A – Review of Programming and Class Flow B – Warm-up – 8 minute AMRAP: 100m Run 30 seconds/side Calf Stretch 15 Alternating Single Arm Russian Swings 10 Alternating Lunge-to-Samson Stretch C – Movement specific review/instruction – Dumbbell Power Snatch D – Athlete setup for first working set The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class. 2a) 20:00 – 50:00 – 30 minute AMRAP: 400m Run 75 Single-unders 20 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch 10 Alternating Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges Lunges are performed with a Dumbbell in each hand. Use the same weight that you are using for the Snatch. For results post detailed…

Sport: Saturday, July 31st, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 9 of 12 Micro – Running Emphasis – Week 1 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up: A – Review of Programming and Class Flow B – Warm-up – 8 minute AMRAP: 100m Run 30 seconds/side Calf Stretch 15 Alternating Single Arm Russian Swings 10 Alternating Lunge-to-Samson Stretch C – Movement specific review/instruction – Dumbbell Power Snatch D – Athlete setup for first working set The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class. 2a) 20:00 – 60:00 – 3 rounds AQAP: 800m Run 100 Double-unders 40 Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch 50/35 30 Alternating Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges 50/35 Lunges are performed with a Dumbbell in each hand. Use the same weight that you are using for the Snatch. For…

Sport: Monday, August 2nd, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 10 of 12 Micro – Running Emphasis – Week 2 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up: A – Review of Programming and Class Flow B – Warm-up – 6 minute AMRAP: 20 Plank Alternating Shoulder Taps 10/side Staggered Stance Good Morning 5 Burpees C – Movement specific review/instruction – Bench Press D – Athlete setup for first working set The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class. 2a) 20:00 – 30:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 5 Dead-Stop Deadlifts Start around 60% of your 1RM or so and build as heavy as deemed fit. Set the bar Dead on the floor each rep. 2b) 32:00 – 42:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: 5 Bench Press Start around 60% of…

Power: Saturday, July 31st, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 9 of 12 Micro – Running Emphasis – Week 1 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up: A – Review of Programming and Class Flow B – Warm-up – 8 minute AMRAP: 100m Run 30 seconds/side Calf Stretch 15 Alternating Single Arm Russian Swings 10 Alternating Lunge-to-Samson Stretch C – Movement specific review/instruction – Dumbbell Power Snatch D – Athlete setup for first working set The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class. 2a) 20:00 – 60:00 – 3 rounds AQAP: 800m Run 60 Double-unders 40 Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch 35/25 30 Alternating Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges 35/25 Lunges are performed with a Dumbbell in each hand. Use the same weight that you are using for the Snatch. For…

Sport: Friday, July 30th, 2021

Macro – Extended Conditioning Emphasis – Week 9 of 12 Micro – Running Emphasis – Week 1 of 4 WOD: 1) 0:00 – 20:00 – Class Review and Warm-up: A – Review of Programming and Class Flow B – Warm-up – 6 minute AMRAP: 3 Squat-Stand-Squat-Stand 10 Band Pull-Aparts 10 High Anchor Banded Face Pulls 100m Run C – Movement specific review/instruction – Thruster D – Athlete setup for first working set The first 20 minutes of our class will be spent reviewing, teaching, and getting you guys warmed up for class. 2a) 20:00 – 28:00 – Every 2:00 x 4 sets: 5 Strict Chin-ups + 8/side Single Arm Dumbbell Row Use assistance/add loading to the Chin-up as deemed fit. Use a difficult weight for the Row, but something that you can maintain for the 4 sets. Keep the row strict and controlled, performing all…