*Gym Updates and Thoughts 3/30/20 HERE


1a) Warm-up – Passive:

2 minutes/side Couch Stretch

Spend additional time stretching as needed.

1b) Warm-up – Active – 2-3 rounds of:

3 Inchworms

10 Air Squats

15 Glute Bridge-ups

For quality, not for time. Add a Push-up if you’d like to the Inchworm.

2a) Strength/Volume Work – 4 sets of:

20 Banded Squats

10/side Single Leg Good Mornings

5/side Donkey Kick Backs

Rest as needed between sets.

2b) Strength/Volume Work – 4 sets of: 14 Alternating Reverse Lunges w/Household Item

Hold item in whatever position is appropriate based on weight of item(s). Rest 60-90 seconds between sets.

3) Met-con – 3 rounds for Max Reps:

1 minute Cals Machine

1 minute Wall Sit-Hold

1 minute Single or Double-unders

1 minute Rest

Push the machine hard so you have to work through some tough mental positions through the Wall-Sit Hold.

4) Accessory – 3 rounds for Quality:

10 Seated Sumo Stance Pause Good Mornings

20 Alternating Single Leg Tuck Crunch w/Pause @ Top

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets.

5) Secondary Conditioning – Run or Machine:

A – 3 rounds of 800m Run/1000m Row or Ski/2000m C2 Bike/2400m Assault Bike @ Hard Pace +

400m Run/500m Row or Ski/1000m C2 Bike/1200m Assault Bike @ Easy Pace

B – 3 rounds of 600m Run/750m Row or Ski/1500m C2 Bike/1800m Assault Bike @ Hard Pace +

300m Run/375m Row or Ski/750m C2 Bike/900m Assault Bike @ Easy Pace

C – 3 rounds of 400m Run/500m Row or Ski/1000m C2 Bike/1200m Assault Bike @ Hard Pace +

200m Run/250m Row or Ski/500m C2 Bike/600m Assault Bike @ Easy Pace

This is one continuous piece working through all 3 portions with no rest. Work for consistent paces within each part, with a goal of increasing respective paces slightly from A to B to C.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE





WOD Demo