*Zoom Power Hour Link HERE (Password CVCF)

**CVCF Gym Update – 4/26/20 – HERE

***New Softgoods Order Shipped Direct to you HERE (First wave of orders will be placed the morning of Monday the 20th)


1a) Warm-up – Passive:

1-2 minutes/side Pigeon Stretch

1-2 minutes/side Couch Stretch

Spend additional time stretching/mobilizing as needed.

1b) Warm-up – Active – 3 rounds of:

5 Sumo Inchworms

10 Wall Therapy Squats

15 Glute Bridge-ups

Take your time and focus on activation and getting positions opened up.

2a) Strength/Volume Work – 10-20-30 For Quality:

Alternating Lateral Lunges

Sit Up w/Household Item Overhead

Romanian Deadlift w/Household Item.

Side Plank Dips

For quality, not for time. For the Plank dips, perform the allotted reps on each side.

2b) Strength/Volume Work – 4 sets of: 8/side Front Foot Elevated Dead Stop Split Squat

Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Perform all reps on 1 side before switching to the other. Load with whatever objects you have in the house, or Barbell, Dumbbells, Kettlebell, Medball if you have one. Pause in the bottom of the rep for 1 second on each repetition.

3) Gymnastics – 9-15-21-15-9 – For Quality:

Ring/Bar/Chair Dips or Push-ups

Ring/Table/Tailgate/Rows or Pull Ups

Scale volume of reps as needed if this is a lot for you. Take your time and focus on clean positions and good range of motion.

4) Met-con – AQAP:

Partner Version…

1 mile Run

100 Front Squats w/House Hold Item – Partner Holds a Plank 

100 V-Ups – Partner Holds Top of a Banded Deadlift

Individual Version…

1 mile Run

150 Air Squats

50 V-Ups

If you’re performing this as a partner workout, run the mile together, then as a pair you need to complete the 100 reps of each movement, one person works while the other holds the static position, switch stations as deemed fit. If you’d like to Air Squat for the Partner workout then perform 300 Air Squats.

5) Secondary Conditioning – 30 minute AMRAP:

100 Single-unders

10/side “X” Windmill

1:00 Plank Hold

5 Wall Climbs

Have fun, focus on smooth and steady pace.

For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE



