Category: Competition

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Monday, January 23rd, 2017

* Mark your calendars. CVCF Annual Holiday party is Saturday, January 28th, at Foam Brewery. Tickets can be purchased HERE…Ticket Sales Close This Wednesday. Pre Class: 1) Row: 20 x 250m @ 1K-2K Pace Rest 60 seconds between intervals. WOD: 2) Pause Back Squat: 2 Reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. Pause for 3 seconds in the bottom of the Squat. 3) Back Squat: 7 Reps Every 3:00 x 3 sets This should be done as a continuation of your Pause Back Squats starting at 10:00 on the clock. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 4) 15-12-9 – AQAP: Hang Squat Cleans 155/105 Burped Box Jump Overs 24/20 Extra Work: 5) Hip Thrusts: 4 sets of 10 Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Heavy as possible. 6) Hip Extension: 3 sets of 20 Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Add load if able. 7) Glute…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Saturday, January 21st, 2017

* Mark your calendars. CVCF Annual Holiday party is Saturday, January 28th, at Foam Brewery. Tickets can be purchased HERE. WOD: 1) Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Complex – AQAP: 10 @ 155/105 8 @ 185/135 6 @ 225/155 4 @ 245/165 2 @ 275/185 Scale as needed to keep this a conditioning piece. The 4 reps must be done as a complex, otherwise no good. 2) AQAP: 1500m-1000m-500m Row 63-42-21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 36-24-12 Pull-ups Rest as needed. 3) 7 minute Up Ladder: 1 Paralette Handstand Push-up 1 Box Jump 40/30 Paralette are head to floor for guys/4″ plate for ladies and kipping. Workout is 1+1, 2+2, 3+3 and so on until 7 minutes is up. 4) Bar Facing Burpees: 10 Reps Every 1:00 x 10 Goal here is maximal speed, treat these as intervals. 5) 4 sets not for time: A) 5-10 Strict Ches-to-bar Pull-ups…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Friday, January 20th, 2017

* Mark your calendars. CVCF Annual Holiday party is Saturday, January 28th, at Foam Brewery. Tickets can be purchased HERE. Pre Class: 1) Row: 10K This is a time trial. 2) Snatch Pull + Power Snatch: Every 1:00 x 12 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60-70% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 3) Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk: Every 1:30 x 10 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60-70% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. WOD: 4) Pause Front Squat: 3 Reps Every 2:00 x 5 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. Pause for 3 seconds in the bottom of the Squat. 5) Front Squat: 10 Reps Every 3:00 x 3 sets This should be done as a continuation of your Pause Front Squats starting at 10:00 on the clock. Build as heavy as deemed…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Thursday, January 19th, 2017

* Mark your calendars. CVCF Annual Holiday party is Saturday, January 28th, at Foam Brewery. Tickets can be purchased HERE. Active Recovery: The goal should be as much as possible of the following below. Thanks to CrossFit Invictus for posting this. A. Aerobic Restoration 25-40 minutes of one of the following performed at 60-70% effort – easy, restorative pace: * Swim (this is my first choice, and if you have an ocean, even better) * Row (focus on mechanics, smooth and efficient with a very low stroke per minute pace) * AirDyne (keep the pace conversational and relaxed) * Cycling (get outdoors and enjoy the scenery as you ride) * Hike (nothing crazy here, find a nice easy slope and go for a walk outdoors) NOTE ABOUT ACTIVE RECOVERY – The activity selected must be restorative for you. It can also be an opportunity to work on a…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Wednesday, January 18th, 2017

* This Wednesday, the 11th Jade, Dani, and Laura will be heading to Miami for Wodapalooza. The rest of the coaching staff has kindly worked to change their schedules to allow us to leave, and to keep every class on as scheduled. Please be mindful that the gym will be Open for classes, not for you to come in and train at your leisure. Please be respectful of all the coaches times, and also of our gym policies, if a coach is not at the gym (the doors might be open because of Fit2Perform) you CAN NOT train. ** Mark your calendars. CVCF Annual Holiday party is Saturday, January 28th, at Foam Brewery. Tickets can be purchased HERE. WOD: 1) Halting Push Press + Halting Push Jerk + Halting Jerk: 10 sets Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Hold the bottom of the dip for 2 seconds on each lift. Build…