Category: Competition

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Friday, September 11th, 2015

* CrossFit Kids Class will be cancelled 9/8, 9/10, 9/12, 9/15, and 9/17 ** Please be advised with Dani and Jade gone the gym will not be open all hours. We don’t run Open Gym anyway, but you can expect the doors to be locked in the afternoon. Gym will not be open until 4:00 PM on Fridays. Pre Class: 1) 3-Position Snatch: 4 sets Warm-up as needed. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Use straps if you need them/have them. Order is High-Hang, Above the Knee, Floor. Only work as heavy as you can hold onto the bar for all reps. 2) Deficit Snatch Pull: 5 @ 90%, 5 @ 95%, 5 @ 100% Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Use straps if you need them/have them. Deficit is 2″. WOD: 3a) Tempo Front Squat: 1 Rep EMOTM x 10 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 70% of your 1RM…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Thursday, September 10th, 2015

* CrossFit Kids Class will be cancelled 9/8, 9/10, 9/12, 9/15, and 9/17 ** Please be advised with Dani and Jade gone the gym will not be open all hours. We don’t run Open Gym anyway, but you can expect the doors to be locked in the afternoon. Gym will not be open until 4:00 PM on Fridays. Active Recovery: The goal should be as much as possible of the following below. Thanks to CrossFit Invictus for posting this. A. Aerobic Restoration 25-40 minutes of one of the following performed at 60-70% effort – easy, restorative pace: * Swim (this is my first choice, and if you have an ocean, even better) * Row (focus on mechanics, smooth and efficient with a very low stroke per minute pace) * AirDyne (keep the pace conversational and relaxed) * Cycling (get outdoors and enjoy the scenery as…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

* CrossFit Kids Class will be cancelled 9/8, 9/10, 9/12, 9/15, and 9/17 * Please be advised with Dani and Jade gone the gym will not be open all hours. We don’t run Open Gym anyway, but you can expect the doors to be locked in the afternoon. Gym will not be open until 4:00 PM on Fridays. Pre Class: 1) Overhead Squat: 5 sets of 5 Warm-up as needed. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Heavy as possible. 2) Halting Jerk: 1 Rep EMOTM x 15 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM Jerk. Hold the bottom of the dip for 3 seconds. WOD: 3) 5 Bench Press + 1/side Turkish Get-up: Every 2:00 for 10 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM Bench Press. Build as heavy as deemed fit. If you’ve never done TGU’s before start light, focus on proper form and…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

* CrossFit Kids Class will be cancelled 9/8, 9/10, 9/12, 9/15, and 9/17 Pre Class: 1) 3-Position Clean: 4 sets Warm-up as needed. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Order is High-Hang, Above The Knee, Floor. Only work as heavy as you can hold onto the bar for. 2) Deficit Clean Pull: 5 @ 90%, 5 @ 95%, 5 @ 100% Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Use straps if you need them/have them. Deficit is 2″.   WOD: 3) Front Squat: 7 reps Every 2:30 for 4 sets Warm-up as needed. Start at at least 60% or heavier. Sets to be done at 0:00, 2:30, 5:00, and 7:30 4) Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats: 10 reps/side Every 3:00 for 3 sets This should be done as a continuation of your Front Squats. Perform all 10 reps on 1 leg before switching to the other. Sets should be done at 10:00, 13:00, and 16:00….