Category: Competition

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Friday, May 22nd, 2015

* Regional Shirts will be in on the 19th for pick-up. We will begin billing them on the 15th to your accounts. ** There will be no CrossFit Kids classes this week. All other classes are on as scheduled. *** Thursday, May 28th is bring a friend day. Bring anyone you’d like to any of the time slots. Next On-Ramp starts June 1st. **** Olympic Lifting Class will be cancelled Tuesday the 19th and 26th ***** Monday, May 24th there will be only 1 class at 9 AM. Come in for our Annual Memorial Day Murph Extra Work: 1) Football Bar Bench Press Wide Grip: 7 sets of 1 Warm-up as needed. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Build as heavy as possible. WOD: 2) Overhead Squat: 7 sets of 1 Warm-up as needed. Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Build as heavy as possible. 3) Snatch Push Press: 5 sets of 1 Warm-up as…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Thursday, May 21st, 2015

* Regional Shirts will be in on the 19th for pick-up. We will begin billing them on the 15th to your accounts. ** There will be no CrossFit Kids classes this week. All other classes are on as scheduled. *** Thursday, May 28th is bring a friend day. Bring anyone you’d like to any of the time slots. Next On-Ramp starts June 1st. **** Olympic Lifting Class will be cancelled Tuesday the 19th and 26th ***** Monday, May 24th there will be only 1 class at 9 AM. Come in for our Annual Memorial Day Murph Active Recovery: The goal should be as much as possible of the following below. Thanks to CrossFit Invictus for posting this. A. Aerobic Restoration 25-40 minutes of one of the following performed at 60-70% effort – easy, restorative pace: * Swim (this is my first choice, and if you have an ocean, even…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

* Regional Shirts will be in on the 19th for pick-up. We will begin billing them on the 15th to your accounts. ** There will be no CrossFit Kids classes this week. All other classes are on as scheduled. *** Thursday, May 28th is bring a friend day. Bring anyone you’d like to any of the time slots. Next On-Ramp starts June 1st. **** Olympic Lifting Class will be cancelled Tuesday the 19th and 26th ***** Monday, May 24th there will be only 1 class at 9 AM. Come in for our Annual Memorial Day Murph WOD: 1) Thruster: 1 Rep EMOTM x 20 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 70% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 2) 30 minute EMOTM: Movement 1 – 1-6 Muscle-ups Movement 2 – 10-20 Calories Assault Bike Movement 3 – 30 Double-unders Pick reps you can maintain for all 10 sets for…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

* Regional Shirts will be in on the 19th for pick-up. We will begin billing them on the 15th to your accounts. ** There will be no CrossFit Kids classes this week. All other classes are on as scheduled. *** Thursday, May 28th is bring a friend day. Bring anyone you’d like to any of the time slots. Next On-Ramp starts June 1st. **** Olympic Lifting Class will be cancelled Tuesday the 19th and 26th ***** Monday, May 24th there will be only 1 class at 9 AM. Come in for our Annual Memorial Day Murph Pre Class: 1) 20 minute EMOTM: Movement 1 – 1 Heavy Double Overhand Axle Deadlift Movement 2 – 1-10 Kipping Ring Dips For the Deadlift work with weights that you can not only pick-up but that you can put back down in a controlled manner. Pick reps you can maintain for the Ring Dips. WOD: 2) 1 Snatch+ 1-5 Strict…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Competition: Monday, May 18th, 2015

* Regional Shirts will be in on the 19th for pick-up. We will begin billing them on the 15th to your accounts. ** There will be no CrossFit Kids classes this week. All other classes are on as scheduled. *** Olympic Lifting Class will be cancelled Tuesday the 19th and 26th **** Monday, May 24th there will be only 1 class at 9 AM. Come in for our Annual Memorial Day Murph WOD: 1) Front Squat: 1 Rep EMOTM x 10 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 70% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 2) Back Squat: 1 Rep EMOTM x 10 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 70% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. Start your first rep at your last Front Squat weight. 3) 5 rounds AQAP: 100m Sled Plate Push 45/25 10 Burpee-to-target 10 Toes-to-bar Extra Work: 4) Face Pulls: 100 not for…