Category: Competition

Competition: Tuesday, February 4th, 2020

*Come work on basic gymnastics positions with Dani this Sunday, the 9th from 9-10 AM in the back room. No sign-up required. WOD: Session A: 1) Establish a Heavy Complex for the Day: Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat Perform this as a competition setting workout. Spend 10-15 minutes warming up. Rest 5-10 minutes. Then perform a total of 5 complexes, going every 2 minutes. Start with an empty bar and add loading at go for your first set. 2) AQAP: 2-4-6-8-10 Unbroken Ring Muscle-ups 5-4-3-2-1 Squat Snatch @ 205/145, 225/155, 245/165, 265/175, 275/185 Scale as needed. 3) Tempo (2.2.2) Bird Dog Bench Row: 5 sets of 5/side Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. Only work as heavy as you can maintain Tempo. Session B: 1) AQAP: 21-18-15-12-9-6 Thrusters @ 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105, 185/135, 225/155 1 Legless Rope Climb 20ft 40 Double-unders Scale as needed. After…

Competition: Monday, February 3rd, 2020

*Come work on basic gymnastics positions with Dani this Sunday, the 9th from 9-10 AM in the back room. No sign-up required. WOD: 1) Every 2:00 x 7 sets: 3 Back Squats @ 100% of 1RM Front Squat Warm-up appropriately, these should be relatively demanding sets, not max effort, but heavy. Keep the weight fixed for all 7 sets. 2) 4 sets of: 1 minute Wall Facing Handstand Hold + 50ft Double Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge 70/50 Rest 2 minutes between sets. 3a) 3 rounds AQAP: 1000m Bike Erg 10 Burpee Lateral Bar Hops 6 Power Cleans 185/135 Rest 3 minutes between A and B 3b) 2 rounds AQAP: 1000m Bike Erg 10 Burpee Lateral Bar Hops 8 Power Cleans 185/135 Rest 3 minutes between B and C. 3c) AQAP: 1000m Bike Erg 10 Burpee Lateral Bar Hops 10 Power Cleans 185/135 Done. 4) Hip Extension: 3 sets of…

Competition: Saturday, February 1st, 2020

WOD: 1) 3 rounds of: 15/10 Calories Assault Bike 5 Hang Squat Clean 225/155 5 Shoulder-to-Overhead 225/155 1 Legless Rope Climb 15ft Rest 3 minutes between sets. Scale to loading that you can perform the Hang Squat Cleans into the STOH as one complex/effort. 2) AQAP: 100 Heavy Rope Double-unders Then… 12 rounds of 4 Strict Handstand Push-ups 8 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups 16 Air Squats Then… 100 Heavy Rope Double-unders Wear a weight vest 20/14 for this workout. Scale as needed. 3) 4 rounds for Quality: 1 minute D-Ball/Sandbag Bear Hug Hold 15 Medball GHD Sit-ups 20/14 Rest as needed between movements, not for time. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Competition: Friday, January 31st, 2020

*Firebreather Hoodie is back…this will be our last solo branded Champlain Valley CrossFit piece of apparel. Pre-order HERE WOD: Session A: 1) Tempo (3.1.0) Back Squat: 5 sets of 3 Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Build as heavy as deemed fit…don’t sacrifice the tempo for loading. Make sure your 3 second descent is through the entire range of motion, not just the top half and then dropping into the bottom. 2) Every 2:00 x 15 sets – Clean and Jerk: Sets 1-5 – 60-70% Sets 6-10 – 70-80% Sets 11-15 – 80%> Build as heavy as deemed fit. No more than one miss. These are all full Squat. 3) Clean Pull: 3 sets of 3 @ 100%> Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Reset on the floor between each rep. Use straps if you have them. 4) 3 rounds AQAP: 8 Alternating Split Snatch 115/75 7 Ring Muscle-ups…

Competition: Thursday, January 30th, 2020

*Firebreather Hoodie is back…this will be our last solo branded Champlain Valley CrossFit piece of apparel. Pre-order HERE Swim: 1) 30 minute AMRAP: 300m Swim 1 minute Front Plank Hold 200m Swim 20 Burpees Have fun, enjoy the opportunity even if it means you’re floundering in the water. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE