Fitness: Monday, September 2nd, 2019
*Anniversary Party @ CVCF is this Saturday, the 7th @ 5:00 PM. We hope to see lots of you there for an awesome time. **Monday, September 2nd is Labor Day…There will be one class at 9:00 AM. WOD: 1a) “Randy” – AQAP: 75 Power Snatches 75/55 Scale to Ball Slams if you are not comfortable Snatching yet. Directly Into 1b) “Loredo” – 6 rounds AQAP: 24 Air Squats 24 Push-ups 24 Alternating Lunges 400m Run For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
Fitness: Saturday, August 31st, 2019
*Monday, September 2nd is Labor Day…There will be one class at 9:00 AM. WOD: 1) 4 rounds AQAP: 300m Run 25 Wall Balls 14/8 20 Knees-up 15 Ball Slams 40/30 Extra Work: 2) Sled Drag: 400m @ Bodyweight Stimulus is constant movement. Scale loading as needed for desired stimulus. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
Fitness: Friday, August 30th, 2019
*Monday, September 2nd is Labor Day…There will be one class at 9:00 AM. WOD: 1) 20 minute EMOTM: 1 – 5 Romanian Deadlifts 2 – 10 D-Ball Bear Hug Good Mornings 3 – 5 Dumbbell Strict Press 4 – 10 Banded Tricep Press Downs Pick loading/tension that you can maintain for stations 2 and 4. For 1 and 3, work to build loading as deemed fit. For the Romanian Deadlifts perform them double over-hand to work on that grip strength. 2) AQAP: 100 Heavy Rope Single-unders 75 Air Squats 50 Knee-Push-ups 25 D-Ball Over the Shoulder 70/50 Extra Work: 3) D-Ball Bear Carry: 400m Keep track of time and attempts to complete. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
Fitness: Thursday, August 29th, 2019
*WZA Online Qualifier Week 2 Live Announcement at CVCF, Wednesday August 28th…5:30 PM and 6:40 PM classes will be cancelled. Please come in cheer, have a drink, or jump in on the workout. **News at CVCF – Softgoods, Qualifiers and More…HERE WOD: Concept Cardio/Burn Concept Cardio/Burn programming will be kept “hidden” and will be posted just in the gym. It will be modeled to fit accordingly with Wednesday’s and Friday’s programming so there is not direct overlap of movements. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
Fitness: Wednesday, August 28th, 2019
*Monday, September 2nd is Labor Day…There will be one class at 9:00 AM. **WZA Online Qualifier Week 2 Live Announcement at CVCF, Wednesday August 28th…5:30 PM and 6:40 PM classes will be cancelled. Please come in cheer, have a drink, or jump in on the workout. ***News at CVCF – Softgoods, Qualifiers and More…HERE WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 14:00 – 14 minute EMOTM: Odd – 1-3 Rope Climbs 15ft or Rope Climb Practice Even – 30 seconds Hard Effort Ski/Row If you can’t climb a rope use this as an opportunity to practice and develop one. Pick reps and efforts you can maintain for all 7 sets of each movement. No bikes or running for this, we’re specifically looking to work you grip endurance a bit on this couplet of movements. 1b) 15:00 – 30:00 – Every 3:00 x 5 sets: 5 Strict Pull-ups +…
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