Fitness: Wednesday, June 12th, 2019
*Bring a Friend WOD + Wine, Friday, June 28th. Members and Non-Members please sign-up ahead of time so we can plan accordingly for supplies. Link HERE. **Once again we have no one signing up for the Internal Team Throwdown. If you plan on participating please sign-up. Due to the lack of sign-ups we will be closing registration July 1st if we don’t have enough people and refunding athletes appropriately. Please sign-up at the link HERE. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 7:30 – Every 1:30 x 5 sets: 5 Strict Pull-ups + 5 Hollow Rocks + 20 Hang Alternating Leg/Knee Lifts Scaled to a banded Pull-ups as needed, and take your feet out/off after your 5 reps. Scale reps as needed to maintain for the 5 sets. 1b) 7:30 – 15:00 – Every 1:30 x 5 sets: 20 second Hanging Knee or L-Sit Hold + 10-20 Lying Toes-to-Rig For…
Fitness: Tuesday, June 11th, 2019
*Bring a Friend WOD + Wine, Friday, June 28th. Members and Non-Members please sign-up ahead of time so we can plan accordingly for supplies. Link HERE. **Once again we have no one signing up for the Internal Team Throwdown. If you plan on participating please sign-up. Due to the lack of sign-ups we will be closing registration July 1st if we don’t have enough people and refunding athletes appropriately. Please sign-up at the link HERE. WOD: 1) Every 3:00 x 7 sets: 30 seconds Hard Assault Bike + 50ft Dumbbell Bear Crawl + 50ft Dumbbell Overhead Carry Assault Bike hit it hard. Bear Crawl with Dumbbells should be done with the same weight as the Overhead Carry, pick an appropriate load. Scale as needed. We don’t want this taking more than 2 minutes. 2) 10 minute AMRAP: 75 Heavy Rope Single-unders 12 Push-ups 9/side Single Arm Hang…
Fitness: Monday, June 10th, 2019
*Bring a Friend WOD + Wine, Friday, June 28th. Members and Non-Members please sign-up ahead of time so we can plan accordingly for supplies. Link HERE. **Once again we have no one signing up for the Internal Team Throwdown. If you plan on participating please sign-up. Due to the lack of sign-ups we will be closing registration July 1st if we don’t have enough people and refunding athletes appropriately. Please sign-up at the link HERE. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – Every 2:00 x 5 sets: Back Squat (7-5-5-3-3) Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build through the sets as heavy as deemed fit. Reference your last 4 weeks of Back Squats for loading. 1b) 10:00 – 18:00 – Every 2:00 x 4 sets: 5/side Double Kettlebell Front Rack Box Step-ups Use a box height that puts your knee and hip in line. Perform all reps…
Fitness: Saturday, June 8th, 2019
*Internal Team Throwdown has been re-scheduled for Saturday, August 10th. Registration will close July 15th. Please sign-up at the link HERE. WOD: 1) 6 rounds AQAP: 400m Run 21 Shoulder-to-Overhead 65/45 12 Bar Facing Burpees Extra Work: 2) Sled Drag: 400m @ Bodyweight Stimulus is constant movement, scale load as needed for desired stimulus. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE
Fitness: Friday, June 7th, 2019
*Internal Team Throwdown has been re-scheduled for Saturday, August 10th. Registration will close July 15th. Please sign-up at the link HERE. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – 10 minute EMOTM: Odd – 5 Bench Press @ 60-70% Even – 15 Banded Tricep Press Downs This is a de-load week for this program, hence the change in programming structure. This will be your final de-load before we test for a new max next week. 1b) 10:00 – 20:00 – 10 minute EMOTM: Odd – 5 Deadlifts @ 60-70% Even – 10 Hip Thrusts w/2 second Hold This is a de-load week for this program, hence the change in programming structure. This will be your final de-load before we test for a new max next week. For the Hip Thrusts do not use any weight focus on position, and good contraction at the top of the lift….
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