Category: Move

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Saturday, February 9th, 2019

*CVCF Stowe Bowl HERE **New Squat Cycle HERE ***2019 Events Breakdown HERE…Mis-scheduling on our part, Internal Throwdown date has been changed. WOD: 1) 30 minute AMRAP: 75 Heavy Rope Single-unders 21 Air Squats 15 Push-ups 9 D-Ball Over the Shoulder 70/50 Extra Work: 2) Hip Extension: 3 sets of 20 Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Friday, February 8th, 2019

*CVCF Stowe Bowl HERE **New Squat Cycle HERE ***2019 Events Breakdown HERE…Mis-scheduling on our part, Internal Throwdown date has been changed. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 10:30 – Every 1:30 x 7 sets: 100ft Dumbbell Overhead Carry + 3 Push Press Every 25ft Pick a loading you can maintain for all 7 sets. We’re going to work this complex for the next 4 weeks. This is the same setup as Tuesday, your set should initiate with 3 Push Press at 0ft, and then perform 3 Push Press every 25ft, for a total of 12 Push Press. 1b) 10:30 – 21:00 – Every 1:30 x 7 sets: 3 Wide + 3 Normal + 3 Narrow Supinated Bar Rows + 10 Scap Pull-ups Pick a position that you can maintain the reps on the bar row for all 7 sets. 2) 7 minute Up Ladder: 3 Dumbbell Thrusters 25/15 3…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Thursday, February 7th, 2019

*CVCF Stowe Bowl HERE **New Squat Cycle HERE ***2019 Events Breakdown HERE…Mis-scheduling on our part, Internal Throwdown date has been changed. WOD: 1) 40 minute EMOTM: Minute 1 –  Monostructural Conditioning Minute 2 – Gymnastics/Skill Minute 3 –  Non-Monostructural Conditioning Minute 4 – Barbell Movement 1 – Monstructural Conditoining – Row, Assault Bike, Ski Erg, Run, or Burpees. Double-unders are not an option. Pick a Distance or Caloric output that leaves you with about 40-50 seconds of work on each round. Movement 2 – Gymnastics/Skill – Push-ups, Pull-ups, Toes-to-bar, Handstand Walks, Double-unders, Muscle-ups, etc. This should be up to about 10-20 seconds of work (30 seconds if you’re working Double-unders). Movement 3 – Non-Monstructural Conditioning – Wall Balls, Box Jumps, Ball Slams, Kettlebell Swings, lightweight/higher rep Barbell work Thrusters, Cleans, Snatches, STOH, etc, Sled Drag, Farmers Carry, Battle Ropes. This should be approximately 20-30 seconds worth of…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

*CVCF Stowe Bowl HERE **New Squat Cycle HERE ***2019 Events Breakdown HERE…Mis-scheduling on our part, Internal Throwdown date has been changed. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 10:00 – 10 sets of – Ski/Bike/Row/Run: 30 seconds Easy 20 seconds Moderate 10 seconds Hard Pick specific paces that you are going to hit each and every time. 1b) 12:00 – 26:00 – Every 2:00 x 7 sets: 5 Push Press + 50 Heavy Rope Single-unders Push Press is done from the floor. Build to a heavy set of 5 for the day. 1c) 28:00 – 40:00 – 12 minute AMRAP: 10/side Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean + Jerk 35/25 10 Calories Ski/Bike/Row/Run 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20 Extra Work: 2) Hollow Hold: Accumulate 3 minutes Keep track of time and attempts to complete. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

*CVCF Stowe Bowl HERE **New Squat Cycle HERE ***2019 Events Breakdown HERE…Mis-scheduling on our part, Internal Throwdown date has been changed. WOD: 1) 0:00 – 10:30 – Every 1:30 x 7 sets: 100ft Farmers Carry + 3 Deadlifts Every 25ft Warm-up as needed. We are going to work this complex for the next 4 weeks and work to build your loading on it each week. Athletes choice to use Dumbbells or Kettlebells. Each set starts with 3 Deadlifts, then carry 25ft, and repeat until you’ve covered 100ft. You do not need to do 3 Deadlifts at the end, so this should total 12 Deadlifts, performing 3 reps each at 0, 25, 50 and 75 feet. 2) 10:30 – 21:00 – Every 1:30 x 7 sets:  10 Banded Pull Throughs + 5/side Barbell Windshield Wipers 45/35 For the Windshield Wipers, laying on the floor on your back,…