Category: Move

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

* Help us refine CVCF to make it even better, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take a few minutes and will out the survey HERE WOD: 1) Bench Press (7-5-3-2-1-1-1): 1 sets Every 1:30 x 7 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 2) 10 minute EMOTM: Odd – 5/side Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press Even – 5/side Plank Rows This should be perform as a continuation of your Push Press. Your last round of Bench Press ends at 10:30, where you then start the 10 minute EMOTM. For the Single Arm Push Press the weight should be significantly heavier than you could Push Press both arms at a time. Plank Rows, hold a front plank with hands on the Dumbbells and Row one arm at a time to the chest, alternating arms each rep. 3) 3 rounds for Max…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

* Help us refine CVCF to make it even better, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take a few minutes and will out the survey HERE WOD: 1) Broad Jump: 5 Every 1:00 x 10 sets Warm-up as needed. Make sure to mark your starting and ending position each time, work for max distance. Focus on landing softly. 2) Kettlebell Windmills: 3/side Every 1:00 x 10 sets This is a running clock, your first set of Windmills starts at the end of the last set of Box Jumps. Start with a light load, focus should more more on positioning then load. If you have good flexibility, add load accordingly. 3) Active Pull-up Bar Hang: 30 Seconds Every 1:00 x 5 sets This again is a running clock, and builds from the Dumbbell Rows. All in total parts 1-3 should take 20 minutes. For this make sure your scapulas are engaged into a solid…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Monday, March 28th, 2016

* Help us refine CVCF to make it even better, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take a few minutes and fill out the survey HERE WOD: 1) Back Squat: Every 2:30 5 @ 60-65% 5 @ 65-75% 2×5 @ 70-80% Warm-up as needed. Pick loading based on percentage ranges and personal feel. Goal if it’s there is always the upper end of the range. 2) Front Squat: Every 2:00 5 @ 60-70% 5 @ 65-75% 2×5 @ 70-80% This should be a continuation of your Back Squats on a  running clock. First set of Front Squats starts at the end of your last Back Squat interval. Pick loading based on percentage ranges and personal feel. Goal if it’s there is always the upper end of the range. 3) 10 minute AMRAP: 10 Deadlifts 65/45 10 Alternating Front Rack Lunges 65/45 50 Single-unders Extra Work: 4) Single Leg Hip Thrusts: 3 sets of…

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Saturday, March 26th, 2016

* Help us refine CVCF to make it even better, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take a few minutes and fill out the survey HERE WOD: 1) 5 rounds AQAP: 400m Run 20 Ring Rows 15 Ball Slams 40/30 Extra Work: 2) Sled Drag: 8 x 50m Heavy. 60 seconds Rest between sets. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Champlain Valley CrossFit – Fitness: Friday, March 25th, 2016

* Join us this Friday Evening for the Final Open Workout. Redline will be up for any new gear needs, and there will be beer and pizza. ** Help us refine CVCF to make it even better, it would be greatly appreciated if you could take a few minutes and fill out the survey HERE WOD: 1) Deadlift: 3 reps Every 2:00 x 7 sets Warm-up as needed. Start around 60% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 2) 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 – AQAP: Thrusters 45/35 Bar Facing Burpees Extra Work: 3) Banded Pull Throughs: 3 sets of 15 Rest 90-120 seconds between sets. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE