Power: Saturday, October 17th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 12:00 – Every 1:00 x 12 sets: Station 1 – 20 seconds/side Plank Hold Station 2 – 5-10 Wall Therapy Squats Station 3 – 3 Inchworm + 3 Scapula Push Ups + Calf Stretch Station 4 – 40 seconds Run or Cardio Get yourself good and warm and ready to go. 1b) 17:00 – 45:00 – 5 rounds AQAP: 30 Wall Balls 14/8 40 Abmat Sit-ups 500m Run Scale as needed. Keep yourself moving, scale the Wall Ball appropriately so you are able to get through the 30 reps in 2-3 each round. Accessory: 2) Monostructural Conditioning – Run: 45 minutes Nasal Only Easy to moderate pace. 3) Olympic Lifting – Push Press: 5 sets of 5 @ 75% Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. 4) Gymnastics – Strict Ring Muscle-up Negatives: 5 sets of 5 Jump to the support position and then lower as…
Power: Friday, October 16th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 7:00 – 7 minute AMRAP: 10 Deadbugs w/Plate Overhead 10 Good Mornings (With or Without Weight) 10 Sumo Stance Kettlebell Deadlifts Take your time and focus on tight, strong positions. Get those hamstrings and low back primed for the day. 1b) 12:00 – 26:00 – Every 2:00 x 7 sets: 2 Deadlifts Warm-up as needed. Reference previous weeks for loading. Build to a heavy set for the day. Set the bar dead on the floor each rep (and control it back to the floor). 1c) 26:00 – 31:00 – Every 1:00 x 5 sets: 3 High-Hang Muscle Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats Use this as warm-up prep to work on your Overhead Squat position for the workout. 1d) 36:00 – 45:00 – 9 minute AMRAP: 21 Overhead Squats 65/45 18/15 Calories Ski/Bike/Row/AB 15 Ring Rows Scale as needed. Accessory: 2) Monostructural Conditioning – Ski…
Move/Power/Sport: Thursday, October 15th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 12:00 – 12 minute AMRAP: 1000m Row/Ski or 2000m C2 Bike or 2400m Assault Bike 100 Alternating Forward Stepping Lunges 50 Alternating Single Arm Russian Kettlebell Swings Max Meters Ski/Bike/Row/AB Treat this as a warm-up AMRAP. Move through the first piece on the machine at a comfortable pace, and work through the Lunges and Swings at a manageable, warm-up pace. As always if you’re in the gym 4-6 days/week, use this as an Active Recovery piece and work at an easy to moderate pace for the days work. 1b) 15:00 – 27:00 – 12 minute AMRAP: 1000m Row/Ski or 2000m C2 Bike or 2400m Assault Bike 100 Box Step-ups 50 Medball Russian Twists Max Meters Ski/Bike/Row/AB Perform at your desired pace for the day. For the Medball Russian Twists focus on maintaining a nice clean position with Knees straight and Toes…
Power: Wednesday, October 14th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 5:00 – 5 minute AMRAP: 20 Banded Face Pulls w/Pause 10 Alternating Plank Shoulder Taps 30 seconds Machine Get some blood flowing and your body “awake.” 1b) 10:00 – 25:00 – Every 1:30 x 10 sets: 2 Push Press Reference past weeks for loading. You have 10 sets so attack appropriately, and establish a heavy set for the day. 1c) 25:00 – 28:00 – 3 minute AMRAP: Push-ups Max reps…focus on clean quality reps. 1d) 33:00 – 45:00 – 3 rounds for Max Reps: 1 minute Alternating Dumbbell Hang Power Snatch 35/25 1 minute Single or Double-unders 1 minute Ski/Bike/Row 1 minute Rest Get after the stations and push hard. Focus on your minute recovery window, and being mindful and actively trying to get your heart rate down. Accessory: 2) Monostructural Conditioning – Bike Erg: A – 20 minutes Easy-to-Moderate Warm-up B – 20…
Power: Tuesday, October 13th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 5:00 – 5 minute AMRAP: 10 Supinated Banded Pull Aparts 10 Scapula Pull-ups 10 Squat Hold + Reach Overhead Get those shoulders warm and active. Focus on maintaining a nice squat position in the bottom of the reach overheads. 1b) 10:00 – 19:00 – Every 1:00 x 9 sets: 5 Supinated Bent Over Barbell Row w/Band Tension Pick a band tension and stick with it for all 9 sets. Add load via plates as deemed fit. 1c) 19:00 – 29:30 – Every 1:30 x 7 sets: 3 Hang Muscle Clean + 3 Push Press + 30 second Hollow Hold Use this as skill work, don’t focus on loading but on getting the barbell moving properly. Work anywhere from Hi-Hang down to the top of the knee, whatever is appropriate for your skill level. 1d) 33:00 – 45:00 – Every 4:00 x 3 sets:…
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