Move/Power/Sport: Thursday, July 16th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 16:00 – 16 sets of :40 ON/:20 OFF: Station 1 – Ski/Bike/Row/Run Station 2 – Dual Kettlebell/Dumbbell Overhead Hold Station 3 – Plank Hold Station 4 – Wall Sit (Use Rig If Needed) Increase intensity through each of the 4 rounds as desired. As always, if you’re in the gym 4-6 days/week, use this as an Active Recovery/Blood Flow session and don’t push the intensity super high. 1b) 20:00 – 32:00 – 12 minute AMRAP: 12 D-Ball Over the Shoulder 12/side Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch 12 Calories Ski/Bike/Row/Run If you’re not proficient/comfortable with the Kettlebell Snatch, start with either a Single Arm Swing, or Single Arm High-Pull. 1c) 35:00 – 45:00 – Every 1:00 x 10 sets: Odd – 5/side Negative Box Step Downs Even – 15/side Side Plank Dips Focus on controlling yourself as slow as possible on the Box Step-Downs….
Power: Wednesday, July 15th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 5:00 – 5 minute AMRAP: 5 Banded Pass-Throughs 10 Alternating Pause Lateral Lunges 15 Good Mornings Get your positions opened up from the last two days and start to get a little blood flowing. 1b) 10:00 – 30:00 – Every 5:00 x 4 sets: 0:00 – 3:00 – 5 Thrusters From Rack 3:00 – 5:00 – 30-60 second Handstand Hold For this part you have two separate pieces to perform in the 5 minute window. From 0-3, perform a 5 Rep Thruster from the rack, the goal should be to work and build heavy here. From 3-5 in the set perform the Handstand Hold. Pick something that is challenging in terms of time, but that you feel you can maintain for the 4 sets. 1c) 30:00 – 45:00 – Every 5:00 x 3 sets: 20 Dumbbell Push Press 35/25 200m Run 20…
Power: Tuesday, July 14th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 8:00 – Every 1:00 x 4 sets: Station 1 – 5/side Banded Press + 10 Upright Rows Station 2 – 20 Hollow Rocks Station 3 – 20 Glute Bridge Ups Station 4 – (3x) 3 Snatch Deadlift + 3 High Hang Snatch + 3 Snatch Balance Use this to get a little blood flowing and start opening up positions. If you’re not familiar with Snatching use a PVC pipe if you’re Snatching in today’s work use a Barbell. 1b) 13:00 – 33:00 – Every 1:00 x 20 sets: Sets 1-5 (13:00 – 18:00) – 5-10 Strict Pull-ups Sets 6-10 (18:00 – 23:00) – 5 Supinated Bent Over Barbell Rows Sets 11-20 (23:00 – 33:00) – 3-5 Hi-Hang Power Snatch Pick loads and reps that challenge you, but that you can maintain in unbroken sets for all 5 sets of each movement….
Power: Monday, July 13th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 6:00 – 6 minute AMRAP: 3 Inchworms 10 Sumo Stance Pause Air Squats 30 seconds Machine Take your time with the Inchworm and Air Squats and get your positions opened up. Hit a moderate tempo on the machine to wake up your aerobic system. 1b) 10:00 – 30:00 – Every 2:00 x 10 sets: Sets 1-3 (10:00 – 16:00) – 3 Pause Front Squats Sets 4-6 (16:00 – 22:00) – 3 1+1/4 Front Squats Sets 7-10 (22:00 – 30:00) – 3 Front Squats Start around 50-60% of your 1RM and build through each set as deemed fit. For the Pause Squats hold the bottom of each rep for 2-3 seconds seconds. For the 1+1/4, come down into the bottom, just above parallel, back into the bottom, and then stand to finish the rep. 1c) 34:00 – 45:00 – AQAP: 8-16-24-32-40 Alternating Kettlebell…
Power: Saturday, July 11th, 2020
WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 9:00 – Every 1:00 x 9 sets: Station 1 – 40 seconds Machine or Run Station 2 – 7 Medball Deadlifts + 7 Medball Front Squats + 7 Medball Push Press Station 3 – 5 Inchworm + Push-ups Get yourself warm and get your positions open. 1b) 12:00 – 45:00 – “Rozendaal” – AQAP: 51 Wall Balls 14/8 Then…10 rounds of… 7 Deadlifts 115/75 200m Run 18 Push-ups Then… 51 Wall Balls 14/8 Paying tribute to a great member, friend, and person of our community today. Accessory: 2) Secondary Conditioning – Ski Erg: 12 sets of 250m Hard efforts. Rest is the time it takes you to complete the previous interval. 3) Olympic Lifting – Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Jerk: Heavy Single Spend 15-20 minutes and build to a heavy single for the day. 4) Gymnastics Conditioning – 15 minute AMRAP: 500m…
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