Category: Sport

Sport: Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 14:00 – Every 2:00 x 7 sets: 1-2 Rope Climbs or 2-4 Rope Sit-to-stand + 10-15 Push-ups + 10-20 second Hanging L-Sit/Knee Hold Pick rep counts that you can maintain in unbroken sets and leaving you with at least 30 seconds of Rest. Focus on fast transitions between movements. 1b) 15:00 – 30:00 – Every 3:00 x 5 sets: 5 Push Press + 10 Dumbbell Plank Rows + 15 V-Ups Push Press taken from the floor. Build as heavy as deemed fit. Plank Rows are total reps, so 5/side, work them heavy. V-Ups focus on straight legs/locked out knees, if this means you can only touch your knees/shins that’s fine, don’t break the position. 1c) 30:00 – 40:00 – Every 2:30 x 4 sets: 500m Run We want you getting some rest, so if you plan to run 500m you need to…

Sport: Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 7:00 – Every 1:00 x 7 sets: 3 Muscle Snatch Start around 50% of your 1RM. Reset on the floor between each rep. Use this as warm-up/positional work. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 1b) 7:00 – 14:00 – Every 1:00 x 7 sets: 2 Power Snatch Continue to build loading from Part A. Reset on the floor between reps. 1c) 14:00 – 21:00 – Every 1:00 x 7 sets: 1 Snatch Continue to build loading from Part B. 2) 10 minute AMRAP: 40 Double-unders 20 Alternating Overhead Lunges 75/55 10 Power Snatch 75/55 Extra Work: 3) Waiters Walk: 4 sets of 50m/side Rest 60 seconds between sides. Dumbbell Overhead, Kettlebell at the Farmers Position. 4) Hollow Hold: Accumulate 3 minutes Keep track of time and attempts to complete. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Sport: Monday, September 9th, 2019

WOD: 1) Every 3:00 x 7 sets: 3 Pause Back Squats @ 60% of 1RM + 10 Jumping Medball Squats + 20 second Sprint on C2 Bike or Assault Bike We will be working in partners or even groups of three  for this to share gear. Ideally we are looking to do this on the C2 Bike, standing, with the Damper at 10. If we’re short on C2 bikes for the class use an assault bike. Loading should not change on the Back Squat for all 7 sets, keep it fixed. Goal for the Back Squat is to work on standing up with maximal speed. Transition immediately to the 10 Jumping Medball Squats, and then finally jump on the bike for a 20 second Sprint Effort (don’t completely max out the first round the bike should be at 90-95%). For the Jumping Medball Squats…

Sport: Saturday, September 7th, 2019

*Monday, September 2nd is Labor Day…There will be one class at 9:00 AM. WOD: 1) 30 minute AMRAP: 300m Run 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35 1 Rope Climb 20ft Extra Work: 2) Sled Drag: 400m @ Bodyweight Stimulus is constant movement, scale loading as needed for desired stimulus. For results post detailed weights, reps, times, thoughts, etc. for all work completed HERE

Sport: Friday, September 6th, 2019

*Anniversary Party @ CVCF is this Saturday, the 7th @ 5:00 PM. We hope to see lots of you there for an awesome time. WOD: 1a) 0:00 – 7:00 – Every 1:00 x 7 sets: 3 BTN Clean Grip Push Press Warm-up as needed. Start around 40-50% of your 1RM. Build as heavy as deemed fit. Goal here is warm-up and positioning work, don’t push the weight to a point where the movement starts getting off. Barbell is taken from the floor. 1b) 7:00 – 14:00 – Every 1:00 x 7 sets: 2 Clean Lift-Offs + 1 Clean Pull Work in the 50-70% range of your 1RM. Again use this as positioning and warm-up work. Reset on the floor between reps, no touch and go. Build as heavy as deemed fit. 1c) 14:00 – 21:30 – Every 1:30 x 5 sets: 1 Clean and Jerk…